(1) A public transport plan is a document that identifies the impact an event is expected to have on regular public transport services and that sets out—
(a) the measures by which it is proposed to mitigate that impact; and
(b) any proposals to modify the affected services to provide for any additional public transport needs generated by the event.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), a public transport plan must address the following issues arising from the event to the extent that they contribute to the impact of the event on public transport—
(a) the management of vehicular traffic;
(b) the management of the movement of pedestrians;
(c) the provision of public transport services;
(d) the safety of people in relation to public transport services;
(e) the provision of access by emergency services to, or through the area affected by, the event;
(f) the maintenance of access to public transport services from properties in, or next to, the area affected by the event;
(g) the existence, or provision, of parking facilities.
New s. 198 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 53.