(1) It is a function of the Tribunal, on making a registrable order to give the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria, as soon as practicable, the following information—
(a) the name of the residential rental provider to whom the order relates;
(b) the address of the residential rental provider to whom the order relates (if disclosed to the Tribunal);
(c) the address of the rented premises in respect of which the order was made;
(d) if the residential rental provider has an agent, the business name and address of the agent;
(e) the date of the order;
(f) the provision of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 that the residential rental provider was found to have contravened (if recorded on the order).
(2) It is a function of the Tribunal, on receiving an application which includes a claim for repayment of a bond, if requested by the Authority, to give the Authority, as soon as practicable, the following information—
(a) the names of each of the parties to the application;
(b) the address of the rented premises in respect of which the bond is held;
(c) the business name and business address of the residential rental provider's agent (if disclosed on the application);
(d) the date of the application;
(e) the bond number assigned to the bond by the Authority (if disclosed on the application).
(3) It is a function of the Tribunal, on making an order under section 419A, 420A or 420B of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 , if requested by the Authority, to give the Authority, as soon as practicable, the following information—
(a) the name of each party to the application on which the order was made;
(b) the address of the rented premises in respect of which the bond is held;
(c) the business name and business address of the residential rental provider's agent (if disclosed to the Tribunal);
(d) the bond number assigned to the bond by the Authority (if disclosed to the Tribunal);
(e) any transfer details or payee amounts set out in the order;
(f) the date of the order;
(g) any other details included in the order.
(4) This section does not limit—
(a) the closing of a file under section 146; or
(b) a suppression order under the Open Courts Act 2013 .
(5) In this section—
"Authority" means the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority established under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 ;
"bond" has the same meaning as in section 3(1) of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 ;
"registrable order" means an order of the Tribunal under Part 5 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 which requires a residential rental provider to—
(a) remedy a contravention; or
(b) pay compensation; or
(c) refrain from committing a contravention;
"rented premises" has the same meaning as in section 439O of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 ;
"residential rental provider" has the same meaning as in section 439O of
the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 .
Part 5—Appeals from the Tribunal