(1) The following methods must be used for measuring the size of fish—
(a) in the case of spiny freshwater crayfish, the size must be measured from the rear of the eye orbit depression to the nearest part of the posterior edge of the carapace;
(b) in the case of bug of the species Ibacus peronii , the size must be measured from spike to spike at the widest point of the carapace, whether or not it is broken or damaged;
(c) in the case of shark, the size must be measured from the posterior gill slit to the base of the tail fin;
(d) in the case of ray, the size must be measured in a straight line between the wing tips;
(e) in the case of garfish, the size must be measured from the top of the upper jaw to the end of the upper half of the tail;
(f) in the case of other finfish, the size must be measured from the tip of the snout with the mouth closed, to the end of the tail fin.
(2) In this regulation—
"other finfish" means any fish other than the fish referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) and other than any aquatic invertebrate or mollusc.