(1) The licence holder must ensure that every fyke net, or fleet of fyke nets, used by the licence holder in the Gippsland Lakes—
(a) is attached to—
(i) an orange spherical surface float measuring not less than 200 millimetres in diameter, which is clearly marked with the licence number; or
(ii) an orange non-spherical surface float measuring not less than 200 millimetres in length with a width or diameter of not less than 100 millimetres, which is clearly marked with the licence number; or
(b) is marked using an alternative means that is specified in the licence under regulation 43.
(2) The licence holder must ensure that every fyke net, or fleet of fyke nets, used by the licence holder outside the Gippsland Lakes—
(a) is attached to—
(i) a spherical surface float measuring not less than 100 millimetres in diameter, which is clearly marked with the licence number; or
(ii) a non-spherical surface float measuring not less than 100 millimetres in length with a width or diameter of not less than 90 millimetres, which is clearly marked with the licence number; or
(b) is marked using an alternative means that is specified in the licence under regulation 43.