(1) The address for service of a party—
(a) who changes the party's Australian lawyer and files and serves notice under Rule 20.01, is the business address of the new Australian lawyer;
(b) who appoints an Australian lawyer in the circumstances referred to in Rule 20.02, is the business address of the Australian lawyer;
(c) for whom an Australian lawyer has ceased to act, if notice is filed and served by the Australian lawyer under Rule 20.03 without leave, is the address stated in the notice.
(2) If the Court under Rule 20.04(1) by order declares that an Australian lawyer has ceased to act, the Court may by order direct an address to be the address for service of the party for whom the Australian lawyer has ceased to act.
(3) If the Court makes no order under paragraph (2), any document in the proceeding which is not required to be served personally may be served on the party for whom the Australian lawyer has ceased to act by filing it.
(4) A party who serves a document by filing in accordance with paragraph (3) must indorse on the back of the last sheet a statement that the document is filed as such service.