A freezing order—
(a) must be authenticated pursuant to Rule 60.04; and
(b) when served, must be served together with a copy of—
(i) the application, or, if none was filed, any draft application produced to the Court; and
(ii) the material (other than material excepted by the Court as confidential) that was relied on by the applicant at the hearing when the order was made; and
(iii) a transcript or, if none is available, a note, of any oral allegation of fact that was made and of any oral submission that was put, to the Court; and
(iv) the complaint, or, if none was filed, any draft complaint produced to the Court.
An application for a freezing order or an ancillary order may be served on a person who is out of Australia where such service is authorised by or under Order 7—see, in particular, Rule 7.02(d).