(1) The Court may in any proceeding exercise its power and discretion as to costs—
(a) at any stage of the proceeding; or
(b) after the conclusion of the proceeding.
(2) Costs which a party is required to pay under any of these Rules or an order of the Court must, unless the Court otherwise orders, be paid without delay.
(2.1) Costs which a party is required to pay under an order of the Costs Court must, unless the Costs Court otherwise orders, be paid without delay.
(3) If the Court makes an interlocutory order for costs, the Court may then or thereafter order that if the party liable to pay the costs fails to do so—
(a) if that party is the plaintiff, that the proceeding be stayed or dismissed;
(b) if that party is a defendant, that the defendant's defence is to be struck out.
(4) In paragraph (3)—
"defendant" includes any person against whom a claim is made in a proceeding;
"plaintiff" includes any person who makes a claim in a proceeding.