(1) If an order is made by the Court, a registrar may, in the circumstances referred to in paragraph (2), issue a warrant to seize property for the purpose of satisfying the judgment debt.
(2) Paragraph (1) applies if the Act under which the order is made either specifies no method of enforcement of the order or provides for enforcement by distress.
(3) Money or bank notes belonging to a judgment debtor may be seized under a warrant to seize property but need not be sold.
(4) Cheques, bills of exchange, promissory notes, bonds, specialties or securities for money belonging to a judgment debtor may be seized under a warrant to seize property and held as security for the judgment debt or the unsatisfied part of the judgment debt and when the time of payment arrives the person to whom the warrant is directed may demand and receive payment of them and may sue in any proper court in the name of the judgment debtor or in the name of any person in whose name the judgment debtor might have sued for the recovery of the money secured or made payable by them.
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