(1) If a driver drives through a break in a dividing strip that has no stop sign , stop line, give way sign or give way line, the driver must give way to—
(a) any tram on the dividing strip; and
(b) any vehicle travelling on the part of the road the driver is entering (except a vehicle to which a stop sign , stop line, give way sign , or give way line applies).
Penalty: 3 penalty units.
1 "Dividing strip", give way line , stop line and tram are defined in the dictionary.
2 Rule 68 applies to the driver if there is a stop sign or stop line. Rule 71 applies to the driver if there is a give way sign or give way line.
3 For this rule, "give way" means the driver must slow down and, if necessary, stop to avoid a collision—see the definition in the dictionary.
(2) In this rule—
"tram" includes a bus travelling along tram tracks.
Bus is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986 . Travelling along tram tracks is defined in the dictionary.
Example 1 |
Example 2 Giving way when driving through a break in a dividing strip to leave a service road |
Example 3 Giving way when driving through a break in a dividing strip to enter a service road |
In each of the examples, vehicle B must give way to vehicle A.
Note for examples
A median strip is a particular kind of dividing strip—see the definition of median strip in the dictionary.