(1) The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the financial year 2020/2021 the sum of $88 363 806 000 as set out in Schedule 1.
(2) If—
(a) in respect of the financial year 2020/2021 the amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs is increased as the result of any legislation or determination; and
(b) the amounts specified in the relevant items in Schedule 1 are insufficient to provide for the payment of the increased amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs—
the Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Fund an amount not exceeding the increased amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs in addition to the amount issued under subsection (1).
(3) In this section—
"determination" includes any regulation or any award, order or determination of a person or body authorised to determine minimum salaries or wages under any law of the Commonwealth or of the State, or any agreement approved in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 or Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth, or any agreement entered into by or on behalf of the State;
"salaries and related costs" includes wages or other amounts in the nature of salary, payments by way of overtime or penalty rates or in lieu of long service leave or for retiring gratuities, superannuation contributions, annual leave loadings, payroll tax payments and WorkCover insurance policy premiums.
4 Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 to cease
On and after the commencement of this Act, the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 ceases to have effect and does not authorise the issue and application of any moneys out of the Consolidated Fund after that commencement.
5 Total amount to be issued and applied
(1) Except as provided under section 3(2), the total of—
(a) the amounts issued or applied under the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 ; and
(b) the amounts that may be issued and applied under this Act—
in respect of the financial year 2020/2021 must not exceed the sum of $88 363 806 000.
(2) In addition, except as provided under subsection (3) or section 30 or 31A of the Financial Management Act 1994 —
(a) the amounts to be issued and applied for the financial year 2020/2021 under this Act to an item specified in Schedule 1 to this Act; and
(b) the amounts issued and applied for the financial year 2020/2021 under section 4 of the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 in respect of an item of Schedule 1 to that Act that corresponds to an item specified in Schedule 1 to this Act; and
(c) the amounts issued under section 6 of the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 and applied by the Treasurer during the period commencing 1 July 2020 and ending on the day before the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent to meet urgent claims that have arisen during that period, and which form part of a Department's expenditure specified in an item in Schedule 1 to this Act—
must not, in total, exceed the amounts specified for the relevant item in Schedule 1 to this Act.
(3) If an amount in respect of depreciation of an asset—
(a) is applied to an item in Schedule 1 to this Act for the provision of outputs of a Department; or
(b) was applied to an item in Schedule 1 to the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 that corresponds to an item specified in Schedule 1 to this Act for the provision of outputs of a Department—
the amount shown for the relevant item in Schedule 1 to this Act relating to that Department in respect of additions to the net asset base is increased, if the Treasurer so determines, by an amount not exceeding the amount in respect of depreciation.
6 Application of amounts for future payments
If, during the financial year 2020/2021, an arrangement is made, or an expense or obligation is incurred, for the payment of an amount in a future financial year, a corresponding amount is applied, in respect of the financial year 2020/2021, to the appropriate item in Schedule 1 for the relevant Department.
7 Appropriation
The sums issued and applied by this Act, whether expended under this Act or under the powers conferred by the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 are appropriated, and are deemed to have been appropriated, from the Consolidated Fund in respect of the financial year 2020/2021.
8 Public Account advance—financial year 2018/2019
The sums specified in Schedule 2 which by the authority of section 35 of the Financial Management Act 1994 have been expended from the Public Account during the financial year 2018/2019 to meet urgent claims are deemed to have been appropriated from the Consolidated Fund for the provision of outputs, additions to the net asset base and payments made on behalf of the State specified in Schedule 2 and those sums shall be repaid to the Public Account.
9 Public Account advance—financial year 2019/2020
The sums specified in Schedule 3 which by the authority of section 35 of the Financial Management Act 1994 have been expended from the Public Account during the financial year 2019/2020 to meet urgent claims are deemed to have been appropriated from the Consolidated Fund for the provision of outputs, additions to the net asset base and payments made on behalf of the State specified in Schedule 3 and those sums shall be repaid to the Public Account.
10 Advance to Treasurer under Appropriation (2018‑2019) Act 2018
The sums specified in Schedule 4 have been expended to meet urgent claims out of the Advance appropriated in the Appropriation (2018-2019) Act 2018 under the Department of Treasury and Finance and the payments so made are deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes and services specified in Schedule 4.
11 Advance to Treasurer under Appropriation (2019‑2020) Act 2019
The sums specified in Schedule 5 have been expended to meet urgent claims out of the Advance appropriated in the Appropriation (2019-2020) Act 2019 under the Department of Treasury and Finance and the payments so made are deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes and services specified in Schedule 5.
12 Advance to Treasurer under Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 for financial year 2019/2020
The sums specified in Schedule 6 have been expended to meet urgent claims out of the Advance appropriated under section 5 of the Appropriation (Interim) Act 2020 and the payments so made are deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes and services specified in Schedule 6.
13 Reference provision
In this Act, Court Services Victoria established under the Court Services Victoria Act 2014 is referred to as the Department of Courts for appropriation purposes only.
14 Repeal of Act
This Act is repealed on the fourth anniversary of the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The repeal of this Act does not affect any matter or thing or the previous operation of the Act (see section 14(2) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 ).