Act No. 16/2006
No. 16 of 2006
Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006[†]
[Assented to 9 May 2006]
[†] Minister's second reading speech—
Legislative Assembly: 6 April 2006
Legislative Council: 3 May 2006
The long title for the Bill for this Act was "to provide for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria, to repeal the Archaeological and Aboriginal Relics Preservation Act 1972 and for other purposes."
Subject |
Section |
control of activities affecting |
34 |
4 |
definition |
4 |
harm (def.) |
4 |
harm permitted in certain circumstances |
29 |
Museums Board may accept custody of |
26 |
orders relating to repair or restoration; rehabilitation of land |
principles |
12 |
significance not affected by damage, modification |
8 |
27, 28 |
See also Aboriginal human remains; Aboriginal objects; Aboriginal places; Protection declarations; Stop orders; headings beginning with Cultural heritage |
Aboriginal Heritage Council |
acting members |
136 |
Chairperson |
131, 133, 138, 139 |
co-opted members |
137 |
Council (def.) |
4 |
Deputy Chairperson |
138, 139 |
disclosure of interests |
142 |
establishment |
130 |
functions |
132 |
immunity |
141 |
membership |
131 |
procedure |
139 |
remuneration |
134 |
resignation, removal |
135 |
term of office |
131 |
validity of decisions |
140 |
See also Aboriginal parties; Cultural heritage management plans; Inspectors; Protection declarations |
definition |
4 |
human tissue (def.) |
4 |
in custody of State |
14, 15 |
ownership |
13 |
reporting existence, location, nature of |
17, 18 |
return of |
15, 16 |
section 25 of Museums Act 1983 not to apply |
26 |
seizure of |
178–179 |
7 |
transfer to, by Secretary |
19, 20 |
Subject |
Section |
buy (def.) |
4 |
coastal waters of Victoria (def.) |
4 |
continued use of surface of land allowed |
25 |
definition |
4 |
forfeiture to Crown |
35 |
23 |
21, 22 |
possession |
33 |
reporting discovery of |
24 |
section 25 of Museums Act 1983 not to apply |
26 |
seizure of |
172–173, 178–179 |
sell (def.) |
4 |
7 |
See also Protection declarations |
Aboriginal parties |
functions |
148 |
grant of land acquired compulsorily to |
32 |
must act in good faith |
149 |
referral of disputes by |
113 |
registered Aboriginal parties (def.) |
4 |
registration |
applications by bodies corporate |
150 |
date of effect |
152 |
determination of applications |
151 |
more than one body may be registered for a particular area |
notice of determination |
154 |
151 |
review of decisions by VCAT |
158 |
suspension, revocation |
156–158 |
variation |
155 |
relevant registered Aboriginal parties (def.) |
4 |
See also Protection declarations; headings beginning with Cultural heritage |
Aboriginal person (def.) |
4 |
acquisition of land containing |
31 |
continued use of surface of land allowed |
25 |
definition |
5 |
grant of land containing |
32 |
native title parties for areas |
6 |
reporting discovery of |
24 |
7 |
See also Protection declarations |
Aboriginal tradition (def.) |
4 |
Act |
amendment of other Acts |
197, 198, Sch. 2 |
commencement |
2 |
Coroners Act 1985 not affected by operation of |
9 |
Crown bound by |
11 |
native title rights, interests not affected by |
10 |
Subject |
Section |
objectives |
3 |
purpose |
1 |
repeal |
195 |
report on operation of |
192 |
review of operation of |
193 |
saving and transitional provisions |
196, Sch. 1 |
Activity (def.) |
4 |
Alternative dispute resolution |
111–115 |
4, 58, 83, 189 |
amendment |
71, 75, 79 |
cancellation |
75, 79 |
come into effect |
73 |
consent of registered Aboriginal parties required |
72 |
definition |
68 |
duration of |
74 |
form of |
70 |
lodgement with Secretary |
75 |
orders regarding tax, rate remissions |
191 |
parties to |
69 |
registration of |
76–79 |
approval of reports of |
85, 86 |
conduct of |
83 |
definition |
80 |
Minister may order |
81, 82 |
notification of registered Aboriginal parties |
86 |
reports |
84 |
subject matter, timing of |
82 |
See also Stop orders |
alternative dispute resolution |
111–115 |
amendment by Minister as result of audit |
86 |
application of Division 3 Part 4 |
51 |
approval, refusal to approve |
by Council |
66 |
by registered Aboriginal parties |
62, 63 |
by Secretary |
65 |
4 |
assessment documentation to be given to Secretary |
67 |
assessment procedure |
43 |
dates of effect |
64–66 |
definitions |
42, 50 |
direction by Minister to prepare |
48 |
discontinuance of |
67 |
engagement of cultural heritage advisors |
58 |
mandatory requirement for |
46 |
matters to be considered |
61 |
must be prepared before statutory authorisation for activity is granted |
notice of intention to prepare |
54 |
Subject |
Section |
preparation in accordance with prescribed standards |
referral of disputes regarding |
63 |
registered Aboriginal parties |
consultation, participation of |
60 |
evaluation by |
55 |
notification of intentions |
56 |
obligations of |
59 |
to be notified of |
54, 57 |
regulations may require preparation of |
47 |
required if Environment Effects Statement is required |
review by VCAT |
116–120 |
4, 44, 59 |
voluntary preparation |
45 |
applications |
36 |
conditions |
39, 41 |
contravention |
34 |
definition |
4 |
fees |
36 |
grant, refusal |
40 |
referral of applications to registered Aboriginal parties |
restrictions on grant |
37 |
review by VCAT |
121–124 |
Definitions |
4, 5, 10, 34, 35, 48, 49, 50, 67, 71, 102, 108, 111, 114, 125, 173, 179, 184, Sch. 1 |
Development (def.) |
4 |
49 |
Evidence |
187 |
appointment |
160 |
cessation of appointment |
163 |
definition |
4 |
functions |
159 |
identity cards |
164, 165 |
obstruction, hindrance of |
185 |
powers |
affidavits |
182 |
83, 84, 169 |
information required |
180–181 |
of entry |
166–169, 184 |
search, seizure |
170–172, 176–179 |
search warrants |
173–175 |
87, 90, 93, 94 |
re-appointment |
161 |
suspension, revocation of appointment |
162 |
Interim protection declarations See Protection declarations |
Subject |
Section |
31 |
Mediation See Alternative dispute resolution |
Minister |
delegation |
188 |
powers regarding |
Aboriginal Heritage Council |
131, 134–137 |
14, 16 |
acquisition of land containing Aboriginal places |
appointment of inspectors |
160–162 |
189 |
81–82, 85–86 |
46, 48 |
protection declarations |
96, 98–101, 103, 105–107 |
return of secret, sacred Aboriginal objects |
23 |
review of operation of Act |
193 |
87, 88, 90–94 |
tax and rate remissions |
191 |
4 |
4, 14, 15, 26 |
Native title |
4, 6, 10, 151, 156 |
Offences and penalties |
institution of proceedings for |
186 |
regarding |
27, 28, 34 |
17, 19 |
Aboriginal places, objects |
24, 33, 34 |
83 |
48, 67 |
false, misleading information |
183 |
impersonation, obstruction, hindrance of inspectors |
non-compliance with inspectors |
180, 181 |
protection declarations |
102, 108, 110 |
return of identity cards by inspectors |
164 |
seized items |
177 |
95 |
Ongoing protection declarations See Protection declarations |
Protection declarations |
effect of |
109 |
fixing of notices regarding |
110 |
interim |
amendment, revocation |
99 |
consultation |
100 |
contents |
97 |
contravention of |
102 |
duration of operation |
98 |
extension |
98 |
making by Minister |
96 |
notification of proposals |
100 |
publication |
101 |
Subject |
Section |
ongoing |
amendment, revocation |
105 |
consultation |
106 |
contents |
104 |
contravention of |
108 |
making by Minister |
103 |
notification of proposals |
106 |
publication |
107 |
tax, rate remissions |
191 |
review by VCAT |
125–129 |
Public entities |
34 |
Registered Aboriginal parties See Aboriginal parties |
Regulations |
47, 194 |
Repeal |
195 |
Review See Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
Saving and transitional provisions |
196, Sch. 1 |
Search and seizure |
167, 170–172, 176–179 |
Search warrants |
173–175 |
definition |
4 |
delegation |
188 |
functions, general powers |
143 |
powers and duties regarding |
17–20, 178 |
approval and publication of forms |
190 |
69, 76–79 |
81, 83, 86 |
44, 57, 65, 66 |
36, 38, 40, 41 |
identity cards for inspectors |
164 |
institution of proceedings |
186 |
protection declarations |
110 |
report on operation of Act |
192 |
Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register |
144–147, 154–156 |
State entities |
4, 21, 22 |
contravention |
95 |
delivery of |
90 |
duration |
91 |
effect of |
89 |
extension |
92 |
further stop orders |
94 |
issue |
87 |
required for cultural heritage audits |
88 |
revocation |
93 |
Tribunal See Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
Use (def.) |
4 |
Subject |
Section |
Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register |
access to |
146 |
contents |
145 |
establishment |
144 |
provision of information about |
147 |
Register (def.) |
4 |
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
review of decisions regarding |
116–120 |
121–124 |
protection declarations |
125–129 |
suspension, revocation of registration of Aboriginal parties |
Works (def.) |
4 |