(1) The Secretary has the following functions under this Act—
(a) to take whatever measures are reasonably practicable for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage;
(b) to establish and maintain the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register;
(c) to grant cultural heritage permits;
(d) to approve cultural heritage management plans in the circumstances set out in section 65;
(e) to develop, revise and distribute guidelines, forms and other material relating to the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage and the administration of this Act;
(f) to publish, on advice from the Council, appropriate standards and guidelines for the payment of fees to registered Aboriginal parties for doing anything referred to in section 60;
(g) to publish standards for the investigation and documentation of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria;
(h) to manage the enforcement of this Act;
(i) to collect and maintain records relating to the use by inspectors of their powers under this Act;
(j) to facilitate research into the Aboriginal cultural heritage of Victoria;
(k) to promote public awareness and understanding of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria;
(l) to maintain a map of Victoria which shows each area in respect of which an Aboriginal party is registered under Part 10, and to make the map freely available for inspection by the public;
(m) to maintain a list of all Aboriginal parties registered under Part 10 that includes contact details for the parties, and to make the list freely available for inspection by the public;
(n) to carry out any other function conferred on the Secretary by or under this Act.
(2) The Secretary has all powers necessary to carry out his or her functions under this Act.