(1) Subject to section 157 , the Council may suspend or revoke the registration of a registered Aboriginal party if the Council believes on reasonable grounds that the party has failed to act in good faith—
(a) in relation to the consideration of or advice given on applications for cultural heritage permits; or
(b) in relation to the evaluation of a cultural heritage management plan; or
(c) in relation to the entering into or performance of a cultural heritage agreement; or
(d) in the discharge of any of its functions or the exercise of any of its powers under this Act.
(2) The registration of a registered Aboriginal party is revoked if—
(a) the party ceases to be a body corporate; or
(b) the party is placed under administration or goes into liquidation.
(3) The registration of a registered Aboriginal party in respect of an area or part of an area is revoked if—
(a) a registered native title holder is subsequently registered as a registered Aboriginal party for the area or that part of the area; and
(b) a determination has been made that native title exists in the area or that part of the area (as the case requires).
(4) The Council must suspend or revoke the registration of a registered Aboriginal party at the request of the party.
(5) The Council must give written notice to the Secretary of a revocation under this section and the Secretary must make any necessary amendments to the Register.