The main purposes of this Act are—
(a) to amend the Freedom of Information Act 1982 —
(i) to establish the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner and abolish the Freedom of Information Commissioner; and
(ii) to appoint the Information Commissioner and the Public Access Deputy Commissioner; and
(iii) to allow the Information Commissioner to review decisions made by Ministers and principal officers; and
(iv) to allow the Information Commissioner to review decisions to exempt Cabinet documents; and
(v) to provide for limited use of Cabinet certificates; and
(vi) to reduce timeframes for responding to requests; and
(vii) to make amendments relating to professional standards; and
(viii) to provide for the Information Commissioner to conduct investigations; and
(ix) to clarify the exemptions for certain IBAC documents; and
(x) to make other amendments to otherwise improve the operation of that Act; and
(b) to amend the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 —
(i) to abolish the Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection and confer the Commissioner's functions on the Information Commissioner; and
(ii) to appoint the Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner; and
(c) to amend the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011 to enable oversight of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner; and
(d) to amend the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 in relation to documents that are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act 1982 ; and
(e) to amend the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 to allow the Accountability and Oversight Committee oversight of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner; and
(f) to make consequential amendments to other Acts.