Act No. 49/2005
No. 49 of 2005
Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005[†]
[Assented to 24 August 2005]
[†] Minister's second reading speech—
Legislative Assembly: 21 April 2005
Legislative Council: 9 August 2005
The long title for the Bill for this Act was "to regulate the relationship between persons who contract to transport goods in a vehicle, or harvest forest products using motorised equipment, supplied by them and persons who hire them, to amend the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 and for other purposes."
Subject |
Section |
Act |
amendments to other Acts |
67 |
application |
8 |
commencement |
2 |
Crown bound by |
9 |
prevails over regulated contracts |
65 |
purpose |
1 |
things authorised for purposes of competition laws |
64 |
transitional provisions |
68–69 |
Codes of practice |
3, 27–30 |
Competition Code |
64 |
application of Act to |
8 |
as tenderers |
12, 17 |
definition |
3, 33 |
forestry contractors |
3, 28 |
harvesting contractors and contracts |
3, 6 |
haulage contractors and contracts |
3, 5 |
information booklets for |
10–13 |
insurance costs |
23 |
negotiating agents |
25–26 |
ongoing engagement of |
19–22 |
owner drivers and owner driver contracts |
3, 4, 28 |
rates and costs schedules for |
14–18 |
regulations |
7 |
services, equipment provided by hirers to |
24 |
subjected to detriment |
61 |
termination of engagement |
20–22 |
unconscionable conduct |
32 |
See also Disputes; Regulated contracts |
Contract variation orders See Regulated contracts |
Contracts See Regulated contracts |
Corporations |
3, 63 |
Damages |
44 |
Definitions |
3–6, 22, 33, 37, 46, 47, 50, 56, 59, 64, 65, Sch. 1 |
alternative dispute resolution |
costs |
37 |
failure |
40 |
immunity of person conducting |
39 |
matters included in |
34 |
referral of disputes for |
35 |
representation of parties |
36 |
statements, admissions made during |
38 |
definition |
3, 33 |
Subject |
Section |
regarding failure to give information booklets, rates and costs schedules |
regarding unlawful termination |
42 |
See also Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
Extension of contract variation orders |
Forest products (def.) |
3 |
Forestry contractors See Contractors |
3, 28 |
Forestry Industry Council of Victoria |
consultation with |
14, 28 |
definition |
3 |
establishment and functions |
58 |
membership, procedure |
59–60, Sch. 1 |
Freight brokers |
3, 10–11, 16, 18 |
Harvesting contractors and contracts |
Haulage contractors and contracts |
Heavy vehicles (def.) |
3 |
definition |
3, 33 |
duties regarding |
codes of practice |
27–30 |
information booklets |
10–12 |
insurance costs |
23 |
payment in lieu of notice |
22 |
rates and costs schedules |
16–18 |
services, equipment provided to contractors |
24 |
powers, duties regarding negotiating agents |
25–26 |
subjecting contractors, others to detriment |
61 |
unconscionable conduct |
31 |
See also Disputes |
Industry councils |
See Forestry Industry Council; |
Information booklets |
contents and availability |
13 |
failure to provide |
45 |
provision to contractors, tenderers |
10–12 |
Minister |
powers, duties regarding |
codes of practice |
27–28 |
Forestry Industry Council |
58–59 |
information booklets |
13 |
rates and costs schedules |
14–15 |
Transport Industry Council |
55–56 |
Motorised equipment (def.) |
3 |
Negotiating agents |
3, 25–26 |
Owner drivers and owner driver contracts |
Partnerships |
62 |
Subject |
Section |
Rates and costs schedules |
definition |
3 |
development, revision, contents |
14 |
failure to provide |
45 |
provision to contractors, tenderers |
16–18 |
publication |
15 |
Regulated contracts |
Act prevails over |
65 |
definition |
3 |
extension of contract variation orders |
application of Part 5, Division 4 |
47 |
applications for |
49 |
definition and effect |
48 |
definition of contract variation orders |
47 |
making, publication of |
51 |
notice requirements |
50 |
time for taking effect |
52 |
variation, revocation |
53 |
orders preventing entering into |
46 |
regulations |
7 |
requirements |
20–22 |
unjust, void terms |
44, 47, 48, 65 |
See also Disputes |
Regulations |
7, 27, 66 |
Secretary |
13 |
Small Business Commissioner |
certificates waiving notice of termination |
21 |
definition |
3 |
functions in general |
54 |
functions, powers regarding dispute resolution |
35, 40, 54 |
Tenderers |
12, 17 |
Trade Practices Act 1974 (Commonwealth) |
64 |
Transitional provisions |
68–69 |
Transport Industry Council |
consultation with |
14, 28 |
definition |
3 |
establishment and functions |
55 |
membership, procedure |
56–57, Sch. 1 |
Tribunal |
Unconscionable conduct |
31–32 |
Vehicles (def.) |
3 |
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
dispute resolution |
jurisdiction of Tribunal |
41 |
parties to proceedings |
43 |
powers, orders of Tribunal |
44–46 |
requirements for proceedings |
40 |
time limit for applications |
42 |
extension of contract variation orders |
47–53 |