Act No. 62/2005
No. 62 of 2005
[Assented to 20 September 2005]
[†] Minister's second reading speech—
Legislative Assembly: 11 August 2005
Legislative Council: 8 September 2005
The long title for the Bill for this Act was "to protect the health and safety of persons and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation, to make consequential amendments to the Health Act 1958, the Dangerous Goods Act 1985, the Environment Protection Act 1970, the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, the Nuclear Activities (Prohibitions) Act 1983, the Road Transport (Dangerous Goods) Act 1995 and for other purposes."
Subject |
Section |
Act |
amendments to other Acts |
140–145 |
commencement |
2 |
Crown bound by |
6 |
interpretation to promote Radiation Protection Principle |
purpose |
1 |
savings and transitional provisions |
146, 147, Sch. |
applications |
37, 38, 42, 43 |
authority holder (def.) |
3 |
certificates of compliance |
3, 33–35 |
compliance with tester's approval |
26 |
conduct of tests |
32 |
current tester's approval must be held |
27 |
definition |
3 |
effect of suspension |
63 |
impersonation of |
28 |
qualifications |
42, 46 |
role |
25 |
tester's approval (def.) |
3 |
appointment |
69 |
definition |
3 |
examination testing of seized things or places by |
89–90 |
identity cards |
70–72, 97 |
impersonation of |
91 |
not required to hold authorities under Act |
137 |
obstruction, hindrance of |
117 |
powers – general |
77 |
powers in relation to radiation events |
93–99 |
powers of entry |
74–76, 96 |
powers of seizure |
82–87, 96 |
power to direct persons |
78, 96 |
search warrants |
79–81 |
subject to Secretary's direction |
73 |
Authorities |
applications |
37–38 |
authority holder (def.) |
3 |
cancellation |
48, 53, 56–61 |
conditions |
47, 54, 65, 66 |
content |
50, 55 |
date of effect |
49 |
definition |
3 |
duration |
48 |
effect of suspension |
63 |
expiry |
48, 53 |
fees |
38, 51, 66 |
Subject |
Section |
immediate suspension |
62 |
issue |
43, 44 |
further information required |
39–42 |
qualifications |
46 |
refusal to issue |
43 |
refusal to renew |
52 |
relevant health practitioner boards |
44, 45, 60, 62 |
renewal |
51–55 |
return of cancelled authority |
61 |
review of decisions |
101–102 |
show cause notices |
57–59, 62 |
surrender |
67 |
suspension |
48, 53, 56–60, 62, 63 |
variation |
65, 66 |
See also various headings beginning with Licences |
Clean up (def.) |
3 |
Compensation |
99, 132, 133 |
Corporations |
offences by |
128 |
Definitions |
3, 24, 44, 45, 51, 60, 62, 68, 92, 99, 100, 118, 128, 132, 136, Sch. |
Disclosure of information |
44, 136 |
Entry powers |
74–76, 96 |
Evidence |
127, 129–131 |
Facility construction licences See Licences – facility construction |
Forfeiture See Seizure |
Infringement notices |
form |
120 |
late payment |
122 |
payment expiates offence |
124 |
payment not taken as admission of guilt, liability |
125 |
penalties |
121 |
prosecution after service |
126 |
service by Secretary |
119 |
withdrawal by Secretary |
123 |
See also Offences and penalties |
Ionising radiation (def.) |
3 |
Ionising radiation apparatus (def.) |
3 |
Licences – Facility construction |
definition |
3 |
definition of facility construction licence holder |
3 |
effect of suspension |
63 |
further information required for applications |
41 |
non-compliance with conditions |
15 |
transfer |
64 |
Subject |
Section |
Licences – General |
definition |
3 |
exemptions may be granted by Secretary |
16 |
false representations |
17 |
licence holder (def.) |
3 |
transfer |
64 |
See also Offences and penalties |
Licences – Management |
contents of authority |
50 |
definition |
3 |
definition of management licence holders |
3 |
effect of suspension |
63 |
exemption from requirement to hold |
16 |
further information required for applications |
39 |
non-compliance with conditions |
15 |
transfer |
64 |
Licences – Use |
contents of authority |
50 |
definition |
3 |
definition of use licence holder |
3 |
effect of suspension |
63 |
exemption from requirement to hold |
16 |
further information required for applications |
40 |
information, qualifications to be considered |
44 |
non-compliance with conditions |
15 |
requests for information regarding applicants |
45 |
Management licences See Licences – Management |
Minister |
powers and duties regarding |
Radiation Advisory Committee |
104, 105, 107, 111 |
tabling of declarations |
5 |
Non-ionising radiation (def.) |
3 |
3 |
Occupiers (def.) |
68 |
Offences and penalties |
by corporations |
128 |
definition of prescribed offence |
118 |
false, misleading information |
116 |
proceedings for |
129 |
regarding |
26–28, 35 |
78, 91, 96, 117 |
certificates of compliance |
35, 36 |
15, 17, 61 |
prescribed radiation sources |
36 |
radiation facilities |
14 |
12 |
13, 18–23, 115 |
Subject |
Section |
Place (def.) |
3 |
Prescribed radiation sources |
24, 36 |
Public places (def.) |
3 |
Radiation Advisory Committee |
acting appointments |
105 |
annual report |
110–111 |
assistance by non-committee members |
109 |
consultation |
108 |
definition |
3 |
establishment |
103 |
function |
107 |
membership |
104 |
proceedings |
106 |
removal, resignation |
104 |
remuneration, allowances |
104 |
terms of appointment |
104 |
appointment |
112 |
certificates of examination and analysis |
131 |
conditions of appointment |
113 |
definition |
3 |
examination, testing of seized items or samples |
88–90 |
functions |
114 |
revocation of appointment |
113 |
Radiation apparatus (def.) |
3 |
Radiation events |
authorisation of emergency powers |
93 |
compensation for loss suffered because of authorisation of emergency powers |
cost recovery |
133 |
definition |
92 |
extension of time for authorisations |
95 |
powers of authorised officers in relation to |
96–98 |
refusal, failure to comply with directions during |
96 |
use of reasonable force during |
98 |
Radiation facilities |
definition |
3 |
prohibition on construction |
14 |
conduct of |
12 |
definition |
3 |
3, 7, 8, 11 |
Radiation safety standards |
date of effect of tests |
30 |
date of effect of standards |
29 |
definition |
24 |
incorporation of documents into |
31 |
specification by Secretary |
29 |
specified radiation safety tests |
24, 30–32 |
Subject |
Section |
abandonment |
21 |
certificates of compliance |
33–34 |
declarations by Secretary |
4, 5 |
definition |
3 |
definition of use |
3 |
cause harm to environment |
23 |
cause higher radiation dose |
22 |
notification of loss, theft to Secretary |
20 |
prescribed radiation source (def.) |
24 |
sealed source apparatus (def.) |
3 |
sealed sources (def.) |
3 |
tampering with sealed sources |
115 |
use by unlicensed persons |
18 |
use contrary to licence |
19 |
user must be licensed |
13 |
See also Approved testers; Radiation safety standards |
Radioactive material (def.) |
3 |
3, 138 |
Regulated activities (def.) |
68 |
Regulations |
139 |
Review |
100–102 |
Savings and transitional provisions |
146, 147, Sch. |
Search warrants |
79–81 |
definition |
3 |
disclosure of information |
136 |
functions |
9 |
general powers |
10 |
must have regard to Radiation Protection Principle and NDRP |
not required to hold authorities under Act |
137 |
powers, duties regarding |
annual report |
134 |
69–70, 73 |
authorities |
37–62, 64–67 |
certificates of compliance |
33, 34 |
compensation, cost recovery |
99, 132–133 |
declarations regarding radiation sources |
4, 5 |
exemptions from holding certain licences |
16 |
forfeiture, destruction of seized items |
86–87 |
infringement notices |
119, 122–123 |
notification of prescribed radiation incidents |
135 |
Radiation Advisory Committee |
107 |
112, 113 |
radiation events |
93–95, 99 |
138 |
review of decisions |
101 |
specification of radiation safety standards |
29 |
specification of radiation safety tests |
30 |
transfer of licences |
64 |
Subject |
Section |
Seizure |
copies of seized documents |
83 |
examination, analysis of samples, things |
88–90 |
extension of retention period by Court |
85 |
forfeiture, destruction of items |
86–87 |
receipts for samples, seized things |
82 |
retention and return of documents, things |
84 |
review of decisions |
101–102 |
Self-incrimination |
127 |
131–132 |
Testers' approvals See Approved testers |
Use (def.) |
3 |
Use licences See Licences - Use |
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
102 |