The functions of the Secretary under this Act and the regulations are to—
(a) exempt certain radioactive material and apparatuses from being radioactive material or sealed source apparatuses or ionising radiation apparatuses under this Act; and
(b) regulate activities relating to the management, operation or use of radiation sources and the construction of radiation facilities through the licensing of these activities; and
(c) approve testers of prescribed radiation sources within the meaning of Part 5; and
(d) specify radiation safety standards and radiation safety tests for the testing of prescribed radiation sources within the meaning of Part 5; and
(e) appoint authorised officers to—
(i) monitor and enforce compliance with this Act and the regulations; and
(ii) exercise the emergency powers under this Act in relation to radiation events; and
(f) give authorisations to authorised officers to exercise their emergency powers under this Act in relation to radiation events; and
(g) appoint radiation analysts; and
(h) serve infringement notices in relation to offences which have been prescribed as offences for which an infringement notice may be served; and
(i) advise the Minister on matters relating to radiation safety; and
(j) promote or conduct studies, investigations and research relating to radiation protection and nuclear safety, including the health and safety of persons and the safety of the environment; and
(k) perform any other function conferred on the Secretary under this Act or the regulations.