(1) A driver (except the rider of a bicycle) must not drive in a bicycle lane, unless the driver is permitted to drive in the bicycle lane under this rule or rule 158.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
1 Bicycle is defined in the dictionary.
2 Rule 158 provides additional exceptions applying to this rule, and also provides a defence to the prosecution of a driver for an offence against this rule.
(2) If stopping or parking is permitted at a place in a bicycle lane, a driver may drive for up to 50 metres in the bicycle lane to stop or park at that place.
Part 12 deals with parking and restricted stopping areas.
(3) A driver may drive for up to 50 metres in a bicycle lane if the driver is driving a public bus, public minibus, or taxi, and is dropping off or picking up, passengers.
"Public bus", public minibus and taxi are defined in the dictionary.
(4) A bicycle lane is a marked lane, or the part of a marked lane—
(a) beginning at a bicycle lane sign applying to the lane; and
(b) ending at the nearest of the following—
(i) an end bicycle lane sign applying to the lane;
(ii) an
intersection (unless the lane is at the unbroken side of the continuing road
at a T-intersection or continued across the intersection by broken lines);
(iii) if the road ends at a dead end—the end of the road.
"Continuing road", intersection , marked lane and T-intersection are defined in the dictionary.
Note for diagrams
There is another permitted version of the bicycle lane sign , and of the end bicycle lane sign —see the diagrams in Schedule 3.