(1) The rider of a bicycle must not tow a bicycle trailer with a person in or on the bicycle trailer, unless—
(a) the rider is 16 years old, or older; and
(b) the person in or on the bicycle trailer is under 10 years old or is over 10 years of age and is exempt from this subrule; and
(c) the bicycle trailer can safely carry the person; and
(d) the person in or on the bicycle trailer is wearing an approved bicycle helmet securely fitted and fastened on the person's head, unless the person—
(i) is exempt from wearing a bicycle helmet under subrule (3); and
(ii) is carrying written evidence of that exemption; and
(iii) produces that evidence to a police officer or authorised officer when asked to do so.
Penalty: 5 penalty units.
Approved bicycle helmet is defined in the dictionary.
(2) In this rule—
"bicycle trailer" means a vehicle that is built to be towed, or is towed, by a bicycle.
Vehicle is defined in rule 15.
(3) The Corporation may exempt the rider of a bicycle from subrule (1)(d).
(4) The Corporation may exempt a person in or on the bicycle trailer from subrule (1)(b) if they are over 10 years of age.