(1) A driver changes direction if the driver changes direction to the left or the driver changes direction to the right.
(2) A driver changes direction to the left by doing any of the following—
(a) turning left;
(b) changing marked lanes to the left;
(c) diverging to the left;
(d) entering a marked lane, or a line of traffic, to the left;
(e) moving to the left from a stationary position;
(f) turning left into a marked lane, or a line of traffic, from a median strip parking area;
(g) at a T-intersection where the continuing road curves to the right—leaving the continuing road to proceed straight ahead onto the terminating road.
1 Marked lane and median strip parking area are defined in the dictionary.
2 For the meaning of "left", see rule 351(1).
(3) A driver changes direction to the right by doing any of the following—
(a) turning right;
(b) changing marked lanes to the
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(c) diverging to the right;
(d) entering a marked lane, or a line of traffic, to the right;
(e) moving to the right from a stationary position;
(f) turning right into a marked lane, or a line of traffic, from a median strip parking area;
(g) making a U-turn;
(h) at a T-intersection where the continuing road curves to the left—leaving the continuing road to proceed straight ahead onto the terminating road.
1 U-turn is defined in the dictionary.
2 For the meaning of "right", see rule 351(2).
Examples for subrules (2)(g) and (3)(h)
Example 1 Driver indicating change of direction at a T-intersection where the continuing road curves to the right and the driver is proceeding straight ahead onto the terminating road |
Example 2 Driver indicating change of direction at a T-intersection where the continuing road curves to the left and the driver is proceeding straight ahead onto the terminating road |