(1) A debt due or accruing to the judgment debtor from the garnishee in respect of which an order for the filing and service of a garnishee summons is made shall, upon service of the summons on the garnishee, be attached and bound in the hands of the garnishee to the extent of the amount specified in the summons.
(2) A debt not yet due or accruing to the judgment debtor from the garnishee in respect of which an order for the filing and service of a garnishee summons is made shall, in the event that the debt becomes due or accrues before the day for hearing named in the summons, be attached and bound in the hands of the garnishee to the extent of the amount specified in the summons when it becomes due or accrues.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), where, after service of a garnishee summons on the garnishee, the garnishee acts with reasonable diligence for the purpose of giving effect to the attachment but nevertheless pays to the judgment debtor the whole or any part of the debt attached or otherwise deals with the debt attached so as to satisfy, as between the garnishee and the judgment debtor, the whole or any part of the debt attached, the Court may order that for the purpose of the garnishee application the debt attached be reduced to the extent of the payment or satisfaction.