(1) A regional
management plan must indicate the region to which it applies.
(2) The purpose of a
regional management plan is to set out the matters that are to guide the
general management by the Minister of water resources in the region to which
it applies, in relation to —
(a) the
definition of water resource values, including environmental values, and the
protection of those values; and
(b) the
use of water resources; and
(c) the
integration of water resources planning and management with land use planning
and management.
(3) A regional
management plan is to specify the monitoring and reporting (which is to occur
at least once in every 7 years) to be carried out by the Minister to ensure,
as far as is practicable, that the objects of this Part are achieved in the
implementation of the plan.
[Section 26GW inserted: No. 49 of 2000 s. 44;
amended: No. 38 of 2007 s. 101(1).]