(1) A sub-regional
management plan must indicate the part of a region to which it applies.
(2) The purpose of a
sub-regional management plan is to set out particular matters that are to
guide the management by the Minister of water resources in the sub-region to
which it applies, including —
(a) how
the investigation and development of water resources are to be facilitated by
the Minister; and
(b) how
rights in respect of water are to be allocated to meet various needs,
including the needs of the environment; and
(c) the
matters of sub-regional significance that, consistently with this Act, will be
taken into account by the Minister in considering —
applications for licences made under Division 2 of
Schedule 1; and
the exercise of powers to renew, amend, suspend and
cancel licences under Divisions 5 and 6 of that Schedule; and
applications for the Minister’s approval of
transfers of licences and water entitlements, and of agreements, made under
Division 7 of that Schedule;
(d) the
Minister’s assessment of —
the capacity of water sources to provide water at
sustainable levels of use; and
the environmental impact of developing those sources;
(e) the
strategies that will be adopted or developed to implement the plan.
(3) A sub-regional
management plan is to specify the monitoring and reporting (which is to occur
at least once in every 7 years) to be carried out by the Minister to ensure,
as far as is practicable, that the objects of this Part are achieved in the
implementation of the plan.
(4) A sub-regional
management plan must not be inconsistent with the relevant regional management
[Section 26GX inserted: No. 49 of 2000 s. 44;
amended: No. 38 of 2007 s. 63 and 101(1).]