(1) A local area
management plan must indicate the area or areas in the relevant sub-region to
which it applies.
(2) The purpose of a
local area management plan is to set out particular matters that are to guide
the management by the Minister of water resources in the area or areas to
which it applies, including —
(a) how
rights in respect of water are to be allocated, and water may be taken and
used, to meet various needs including the needs of the environment; and
(b) the
matters that, consistently with this Act, will be taken into account by the
Minister in considering —
applications for licences made under Division 2 of
Schedule 1; and
the exercise of powers to renew, amend, suspend and
cancel licences under Divisions 5 and 6 of that Schedule; and
applications for the Minister’s approval of
transfers of licences and water entitlements, and of agreements, made under
Division 7 of that Schedule;
(c) the
nature and extent of the delegated authority that will be conferred on a
relevant water resources management committee under section 26GP, and the
conditions and restrictions that will apply to the exercise of that authority.
(3) A local area
management plan is to specify the monitoring and reporting (which is to occur
at least once in every 7 years) to be carried out by the Minister to ensure,
as far as is practicable, that the objects of this Part are achieved in the
implementation of the plan.
(4) A local area
management plan must not be inconsistent with the relevant regional management
plan and sub-regional management plan.
[Section 26GY inserted: No. 49 of 2000 s. 44; No.
38 of 2007 s. 63 and 101(1).]