Where a Crown section
has been subdivided by the Crown into allotments or portions of equal area and
by reason of excessive measurements in the original Crown survey the area of
the section as marked on the ground by the survey boundaries exceeds the sum
of the areas of all the allotments or portions as shown by any plan or
description used at the Crown sale or as deducible from any Crown grant of any
such allotment or portion the total excess of area of the section shall be
deemed originally distributable amongst the allotments or portions equally;
and every Crown grant or transfer of Crown land in fee simple purporting to be
a grant or transfer of one of such allotments or portions shall where the
original subdivisional survey boundaries thereof do not exist or if not
inconsistent with such boundaries where they do exist be construed to be a
grant of such aliquot part of the total area included within the survey
boundaries of such section as is obtained by dividing such area by the number
of original allotments or portions.
[Section 153 amended: No. 31 of 1997 s. 121.]