If in any certificate
of title registered before or after the passing of the Transfer of Land Act
Amendment Act 1902 , a piece of Crown land not included in the grant or
transfer from the Crown is, in consequence of an error in the survey, included
in the certificate of title, the Minister for Lands may, on the recommendation
of the Registrar of Titles, order that such piece of land shall be deemed to
have been included in the grant or transfer.
[Section 153A inserted: 2 Edw. VII. No. 10 s. 7
(as amended: No. 17 of 1950 s. 75); amended: No. 126 of 1987 s. 35; No. 81 of
1996 s. 92; No. 31 of 1997 s. 122; No. 8 of 2010 s. 31.]