(1) In this section
lodge includes deposit, present and file.
(2) If a document is
lodged electronically under the Electronic Conveyancing Act 2014
section 7(1), the Registrar may produce, as often as the Registrar thinks
necessary for any purpose, a record, copy, print-out or image of the document
in any medium determined by the Registrar.
(3) If the Registrar
produces, under subsection (2), a record, copy, print-out or image of a
document, the record, copy, print-out or image is to be taken to be the
definitive form of the document on and from the day on which it was lodged.
(4) The Registrar may
produce, as often as the Registrar thinks necessary for any purpose and in any
medium determined by the Registrar, a record, copy, print-out or image of a
document that —
(a) is
lodged electronically under the Electronic Conveyancing Act 2014
section 7(1); and
(b) is
registered, noted or recorded in the Register.
(5) If the Registrar
produces, under subsection (4), a record, copy, print-out or image of a
document, the record, copy, print-out or image is to be taken to be the
definitive form of the document as registered, noted or recorded in the
Register at the time the record, copy, print-out or image is produced.
[Section 238A inserted: No. 2 of 2014 s. 89.]