(1) This section
applies if —
(a) a
document is lodged electronically under the Electronic Conveyancing Act 2014
section 7(1); and
(b) for
any reason it is impracticable to properly capture the data in the document.
(2) If this section
applies —
(a) the
Registrar may refuse to complete or to proceed with the registration of the
document or, as the case requires, to make any entry or do any other act in
relation to the document; and
(b) the
Registrar must —
notify the refusal to the subscriber lodging the
document; and
request the subscriber to resubmit the document.
(3) If subsection (2)
applies —
(a) the
priority of the document is not affected as long as it is resubmitted within 2
months after the date on which it was lodged or any longer period the
Registrar allows; and
(b) if
the document is not resubmitted in accordance with this section within the
period applicable under paragraph (a), it is to be taken never to have been
(4) If subsection
(3)(b) applies to the document, then —
(a) if
the impracticability of properly capturing the data in the document was not
due, in whole or in part, to any fault on the part of the subscriber that
lodged the document or any person for whom the subscriber was acting at the
time of lodging the document, or the ELNO that operates the ELN by means of
which the document was lodged, all fees paid on the lodging of the document
must be refunded; and
(b) if
paragraph (a) does not apply —
the Registrar must retain from the fees paid on the
lodging of the document (the fees ) the amount prescribed by the regulations
(the prescribed amount ); and
the prescribed amount is forfeited and must be dealt with
under section 190; and
the amount (if any) that is the difference between the
fees and the prescribed amount must be returned to the subscriber that lodged
the document when the document is withdrawn from lodgment.
(5) This section is in
addition to the powers conferred by section 192.
[Section 238B inserted: No. 2 of 2014 s. 89.]