(1) No certificate of
title created and registered upon an application to bring land under this Act
or upon an application to be registered as proprietor on a transmission shall
be impeached or defeasible by reason or on account of any informality or
irregularity in the application or in the proceedings previous to the
registration of the certificate; and every certificate of title created and
registered under any of the provisions herein contained shall be received in
all courts of law as evidence of the particulars therein set forth or
incorporated and of the entry thereof in the Register, and shall be conclusive
evidence that the person named in such certificate as the proprietor of or
having any estate or interest in or power to appoint or dispose of the land
therein described is seised or possessed of such estate or interest or has
such power.
(2) A reference in
subsection (1) to a certificate of title does not include a reference to a
qualified certificate of Crown land title.
[Section 63 amended: No. 81 of 1996 s. 35 and
145(1); No. 31 of 1997 s. 98.]