(1) Any certificate of
title may contain a statement therein or entry thereon to the effect that the
land therein described has appurtenant thereto any easement or that the land
therein described is subject to any right or right of way or other easement.
(2) The statement or
entry shall —
contain a non-diagrammatic description of the extent or location of the
easement; or
refer to the instrument creating the easement if that instrument is deposited
with the Authority; or
refer to any other record of information in the possession of the Registrar
which gives a non-diagrammatic description of the extent or location of the
easement; or
refer to a relevant graphic of the extent or location of the easement.
[Section 63A inserted: No. 54 of 1909 s. 15 and 16
(as amended: No. 17 of 1950 s. 75); amended: No. 81 of 1996 s. 36; No. 6 of
2003 s. 21; No. 60 of 2006 s. 118(1).]