(1) Referral of a
matter to a juvenile justice team instead of laying a charge does not prevent
a charge from being subsequently laid, and referral of a matter to a juvenile
justice team by the court instead of the court itself dealing with the matter
does not prevent the court from subsequently dealing with the matter itself.
(2) If a young person
has complied with the terms specified by a juvenile justice team dealing with
the person for an offence, a court hearing a charge of the offence, upon being
satisfied that the person has complied with the terms, must dismiss the charge
without determining it.
(3) If a young person
has not complied with the terms specified by a juvenile justice team dealing
with the person for an offence, a court subsequently dealing with the person
for the offence, upon being satisfied that the person has taken steps towards
complying with the terms, is to have regard to that, and the extent to which
the person did comply, in dealing with the person for the offence.
[Section 33 amended: No. 84 of 2004 s. 80.]