[Forms 1 and 2 deleted: Gazette 10 Mar 1978
p. 709.]
Form 3
Western Australia
Subject to the provisions of the Bush Fires Act 1954, and the
regulations made thereunder and to the due observance and performance of the
conditions endorsed on this permit including the provisions of section 18
of the said Act permission is hereby granted to Mr.......................,
of........................................., to set fire to the bush on
on the............. day of.........................................
Dated this............. day of...................................
Note. — This permit is not valid during a declared
prohibited burning time and is issued subject to the provisions of
section 46 of the Bush Fires Act and may be revoked or suspended by a
bush fire control officer if, in his opinion, the fire, if lit, would become a
source of danger.
A bush fire control officer is not compelled to inspect an area to be burnt
before issuing a permit to burn. The onus lies on the person not only to comply
with the provisions of the Bush Fires Act but also to ensure there is no danger
of the fire escaping. The issue of this permit in no way affects that
Plan and any special conditions to be observed: —
Bush Fire
Control Officer.
[Form 3 inserted: Gazette 10 Mar 1978
p. 709.]
Form 4
Western Australia
I (a)................................................... of
the owner (or
occupier) of (c)................................. location
upon which subterranean clover is growing,
hereby apply pursuant to section 24 of the Bush Fires Act 1954,
for a permit to burn upon the said location a total area
of................................. hectares (not to exceed 30 hectares), shown
on the annexed sketch upon the following day,
namely: —
.................................., 20.............
............. hectares
20............. .............
.................................., 20.............
............. hectares
such days being within a time of the
year during which it has been declared, by notice published in the Government
Gazette pursuant to section 17 of the said Act, to be unlawful to set
fire to the bush within the district or part of the State named in the said
notice within which the location aforesaid is situated.
To .....................................
Note. — This application must be lodged with the nearest
authorised officer at least 7 days before the day upon which it is intended
to commence burning.
(a) Name in full of applicant. (b) Address. (c) Name of location.
(To be endorsed on Form 4.)
name, address and occupation of person making the declaration]
sincerely declare as follows —
(1A) I am the applicant in this application.
(1) That the land to be burned does not exceed in extent and is identical
with the area described in the above application and shown on the annexed
(2) That such area has been surrounded by a firebreak to a width of not
less than 3 m.
(3) That the area to be burned is/is not carrying standing trees (whether
green or ringbarked).
(4) That such area if carrying standing timber has been grazed during the
growing period of the clover crop to reduce the amount of dead litter to a
minimum, and that all grass and debris has been raked to a distance of not less
than 2 m from the base of each standing tree.
This declaration is true and I know that it is an offence to make a
declaration knowing that it is false in a material particular.
This declaration is made under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory
Declarations Act 2005 at [place] on [date] by —
[Signature of person making the declaration]
in the presence of —
[Signature of authorised witness]
[Name of authorised witness and qualification as such a
For a list of people who are authorised to witness statutory
declarations, see Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005
Schedule 2.
[Form 4 amended: Gazette 16 Oct 1963 p. 3076;
12 Jul 1974 p. 2612‑13; 22 Dec 1998 p. 6855
and 6859; 10 Sep 2010 p. 4342-3; 31 Oct 2012 p.
Form 5
Western Australia
Permit No.................................
I, (a)............................................. of
(b)..................................................... a duly authorised
officer within the meaning of the regulations made under and for the purposes of
the Bush Fires Act 1954, having been satisfied that the provisions
of section 24(b) of the said Act have been complied with hereby grant
to (c)..................................... of
(d)............................... the owner (or occupier) of
(e)............................. location No................. to burn upon the
said location a total area shown on the annexed sketch of.....................
hectares of subterranean clover upon the following days,
namely: —
.................................., 20.............
............. hectares
20............. .............
.................................., 20.............
............. hectares
subject however, to the provisions of
the said Act and the regulations made thereunder and to the due observance and
performance of the conditions endorsed on this permit.
Given under my hand at................................. this...............
day of...................., 20........
(a) Name of authorised officer in full and occupation; (b) address; (c)
name of permit holder; (d) address; (e) name of location.
[Form 5 amended: Gazette 12 Jul 1974 p. 2613;
22 Dec 1998 p. 6855 and 6859; 31 Oct 2012 p.
Form 6
Western Australia
I, (a)............................................... of
(b)............................................................. the owner (or
occupier) of (c)........................................... location
No................ hereby apply pursuant to the regulations made under the
provisions of section 26 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, for a
permit to burn upon the said location (d).......................................
upon the following days,
viz.: —
20............. .............
.................................., 20.............
............. heaps
20............. ............. heaps
such days being within a
prohibited burning time declared for the district or part of the State within
which the location is situated.
Note. — This application must be lodged with the chief
executive officer of the local government within whose district the proposed
burning is to take place, or the nearest authorised officer at least 7 days
before the day upon which it is intended to commence
Name of applicant in full. (b) Address. (c) Name of location.
(d) Description of the plants the refuse of which is to be
(To be endorsed on Form 6.)
name, address and occupation of person making the declaration]
sincerely declare as follows —
(1A) I am the applicant in this application.
(1) That the land on which burning is to be carried out does not exceed in
extent and is identical with that described in the above application.
(2) That the provisions of the regulations respecting firebreaks have been
carried out.
(3) That the area to be burned is/is not carrying standing
(4) That if such area is carrying standing timber, all grass and debris
has been raked to a distance of not less than 2 m from the base of each standing
This declaration is true and I know that it is an offence to make a
declaration knowing that it is false in a material particular.
This declaration is made under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory
Declarations Act 2005 at [place] on [date]
by —
[Signature of person making the declaration]
in the presence of —
[Signature of authorised witness]
[Name of authorised witness and qualification as such a
For a list of people who are authorised to witness statutory
declarations, see Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
Act 2005 Schedule 2.
[Form 6 inserted: Gazette 27 Oct 1966 p. 2782; amended:
Gazette 12 Jul 1974 p. 2613; 22 Dec 1998 p. 6855
and 6859; 10 Sep 2010 p. 4343; 31 Oct 2012 p.
Form 7
Western Australia
Permit No.............................
I, (a)................................................... of
(b)......................................................... The chief executive
officer of the......................................... or a duly authorised
officer within the meaning of the regulations made under and for the purpose of
the Bush Fires Act 1954, having been satisfied that the regulations
made in this behalf have been complied with, hereby grant authority to
(c)............................. of (d).......................................
the owner (or occupier) of (e)............................. location No.........
to burn upon the said location (f).............................................
upon the following days,
viz.: —
20............. .............
.................................., 20.............
............. heaps
20............. ............. heaps
subject however, to the
provisions of the said Act and the regulations made thereunder and to the due
observance and performance of the conditions endorsed on this permit.
Given under my hand at.............................................
this.................. day of........................................,
Chief executive officer of
or Authorised Officer.
Name of chief executive officer or authorised officer, in full and occupation,
(b) Address. (c) Name of permit holder. (d) Address. (e) Name of location.
(f) Description of the plants the refuse of which is to be
(To be endorsed on back of Form 7.)
Extracts from Regulations dealing with the burning of the refuse of plants
read as follows: —
27.(2) The authorised officer issuing a permit to burn the refuse of
plants under the provisions of this Division may incorporate in that permit any
requirements and directions additional to those specified in this Division that
he may consider necessary relative to the burning, and the holder of the permit
shall observe and carry out those requirements and directions.
28. The area of ground on which the refuse of the plants is to be burnt
shall be so cleared or prepared that the fire shall not in any circumstances be
able to run along the ground.
29. The refuse of the plants to be burnt shall be placed in heaps so that
each heap shall not be more than one metre high measured from the ground, and
shall not cover an area of ground exceeding that which would be contained within
the circumference of a circle having a diameter of 2 m, and so that there shall
be a distance of at least 3 m between the base of any one heap and that of
any other heap.
30. The heaps mentioned in regulation 29 shall be distant not less
than 10 m from any brush fence in the vicinity thereof, and at least
20 m from the nearest external boundary of the land of the owner or
occupier upon which the heaps proposed to be burnt are situated.
31. The person proposing to burn the refuse of plants
shall —
(a) 4 days at least before commencing to burn, deliver or cause to be
delivered notice in writing of his intention so to do personally to the
following persons —
(i) each owner or occupier of all land adjoining the land upon which or
upon a part of which it is proposed to burn the refuse of the plants;
(ii) the chief executive officer and a bush fire control officer of the
local government in the district of which the land upon which it is proposed to
burn the refuse of plants is situated;
(iii) a forest officer, if the land upon which it is proposed to burn the
refuse of plants is situated within 3 km of forest land;
(b) before commencing burning operations, provide and have available at
the place thereof at least 200 L of water in suitable containers which may be
conveniently used for extinguishing fire, together with a knapsack spray and
pump unit ready for immediate operation and such other fire fighting equipment
as may be specified by the authorised officer in the permit to burn the refuse
of the plants;
(c) provide at least 3 men to be constantly in attendance at the burning
operations from the time when the fire is lit until it is completely
extinguished and to assist in keeping the fire under control and prevent it from
spreading beyond the land on which the burning operations are
(d) carry out the burning operations only between the hours of 8 p.m.
and midnight;
(e) cause all ash resulting from the burning operations to be covered
completely with earth or sand before 10 a.m. on the next day following the
burning operations.
32. In the event of any fire escaping beyond the boundaries of the area in
respect of which a permit to burn the refuse of plants has been granted, the
holder of such permit shall, if possible, immediately notify the nearest bush
fire control officer or authorised officer and shall within 24 hours of the
suppression of the fire report in full the circumstances causing the escape to
the authorised officer by whom the permit was granted.
[Form 7 inserted: Gazette 27 Oct 1966 p. 2783‑4;
amended: Gazette 12 Jul 1974 p. 2613; 22 Dec 1998
p. 6855 and 6859; 31 Oct 2012 p. 5252.]
Form 8
Western Australia
I, (a)................................................. of
(b)........................................................... the owner (or
occupier of) (c)......................................... location
No.................. upon which
(d)............................................... is growing, hereby apply
pursuant to section 26 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, for a permit
to burn upon the said location a total area of................... hectares shown
on the annexed sketch upon the following days,
viz.: —
20............. .............
.................................., 20.............
............. hectares
20............. ............. hectares
such days being within a
prohibited burning time declared for the district or part of the State named in
the said notice within which the location is situated.
Note —
(1) The statutory declaration endorsed on this form need only be completed
if this is required by the authorised officer.
(2) This application must be submitted to the authorised officer at least
7 days before the day burning is intended to be commenced, unless a shorter
period is agreed with that
Name in full of applicant. (b) Address. (c) Name of location.
(d) Description of the proclaimed plant to be burned.
(To be endorsed on Form 8.)
name, address and occupation of person making the declaration]
sincerely declare as follows —
(1A) I am the applicant in this application.
(1) That the land on which burning is to be carried out does not exceed in
extent and is identical with the area described in the above application and
shown on the annexed sketch.
(2) That such area has been surrounded by a firebreak to a width of not
less than 6 m.
(3) That the area to be burned is/is not carrying standing
(4) That such area is carrying standing timber and that all grass and
debris has been raked to a distance of not less than 2 m from the base of each
standing tree.
This declaration is true and I know that it is an offence to make a
declaration knowing that it is false in a material particular.
This declaration is made under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory
Declarations Act 2005 at [place] on [date]
by —
[Signature of person making the declaration]
in the presence of —
[Signature of authorised witness]
[Name of authorised witness and qualification as such a
For a list of people who are authorised to witness statutory
declarations, see Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
Act 2005 Schedule 2.
[Form 8 inserted: Gazette 27 Oct 1966 p. 2784‑5;
amended: Gazette 12 Jul 1974 p. 2613‑14;
27 Oct 1989 p. 3898; 22 Dec 1998 p. 6855 and 6859;
10 Sep 2010 p. 4343-4; 31 Oct 2012 p. 5252.]
Form 9
Western Australia
Permit No...........................
I, (a)............................................. of
(b)..................................... chief executive officer of
the............................................. or a duly authorised officer
within the meaning of the regulations made under and for the purposes of the
Bush Fires Act 1954, having been satisfied that the provisions of
section 26 of the said Act have been complied with hereby grant authority
to (c)....................................... of
the owner (or occupier) of (e)...............................................
location No............................. to burn upon the said location a total
area shown on the annexed sketch of................................. hectares of
(f)................................................. upon the following days,
viz.: —
20........... .................
20........... .................
20........... ................. hectares
subject, however, to
the provisions of the said Act and the regulations made thereunder and to the
due observance and performance of the conditions endorsed on this
Given under my hand at............................. this............... day
Chief executive officer of
another authorised officer.
Name of chief executive officer or authorised officer in full and occupation.
(b) Address. (c) Name of permit holder. (d) Address. (e) Name of location.
(f) Description of proclaimed plant.
(To be endorsed on Form 9.)
33.(4) The authorised officer issuing a permit to burn plants under the
provisions of this Division may incorporate in that permit any requirements and
directions additional to those specified in this Division that he may consider
necessary relative to the burning and the holder of the permit shall observe and
carry out those requirements and directions.
(6) Subject to regulations 34 and 35, a permit to burn proclaimed
plants shall not be granted unless and until the applicant for the permit
satisfies the authorised officer to whom the application is made
that —
(a) the land to be burned at one time and under the permit applied for
does not exceed the area as fixed by the authorised officer when granting the
permit, and in any event does not exceed 40 ha;
(b) the area has been surrounded by a firebreak to a width of not less
than 6 m;
(c) if the area to be burned is carrying any standing trees, that all
grass and debris has been raked to a distance of not less than 2 m from the
base of each standing tree.
(7) A person who is granted a permit shall deliver or cause to be
delivered written notice of the intended burning to —
(a) each owner or occupier of land adjoining the land on which burning is
to occur; and
(b) the chief executive officer and a bush fire control officer of the
local government for the district in which the land on which burning is to occur
is situated; and
(c) if that land is within 3 km of forest land, a forest officer;
(d) each government department or statutory body which has made it known
to people in the district concerned that it requires to be notified of the
granting of a permit under this Division,
and such notice shall be given —
(e) not later than 4 days before the commencement of burning;
(f) within any shorter period fixed by agreement between the holder of the
permit and any person referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) in
respect of notice to that person.
(8) The authorised officer shall specify in a permit to burn proclaimed
plants the day, not being a Sunday and not necessarily the day for which the
permit was sought, on which burning is authorised and subject to
subregulation (12), shall specify such time between the hours of 2 p.m. and
midnight of the same day as he thinks fit, or as the local government may from
time to time direct at which burning may be commenced.
(13) No fire shall be lit pursuant to the provisions of this regulation on
a day, or during any period of a day, if for that day or that period the fire
danger forecast issued by the Bureau of Meteorology in Perth in respect of the
locality where it is proposed to burn the proclaimed plant is
“catastrophic”, “extreme” or “high”, and the
person who has received the permit under the provisions of this regulation shall
not burn a proclaimed plant in the locality on that day or during that period,
but may burn the plant in that locality on the first day, next following the day
or period of a day on which the fire danger forecast issued by the Bureau of
Meteorology in Perth in respect of the locality is below
(14) The owner or occupier of the area to be burned shall himself arrange
for and provide at least 3 persons to be constantly in attendance at the fire in
the area from the time it is lit until it is completely extinguished and to
assist in keeping the fire under control and preventing it from spreading beyond
the area proposed to be burned.
36. In the event of any fire escaping beyond the boundaries of the area in
respect of which a permit to burn has been granted, the holder of the permit
shall, if possible, immediately notify the nearest bush fire control officer or
authorised officer and within 24 hours of the suppression of the fire shall
report in full the circumstances causing the escape to the authorised officer by
whom the permit was granted.
[Form 9 inserted: Gazette 27 Oct 1966 p. 2785‑7;
amended: Gazette 12 Jul 1974 p. 2614; 27 Oct 1989
p. 3898; 22 Dec 1998 p. 6855, 6858, 6859;
1 Dec 2009 p. 4842; 31 Oct 2012 p. 5252; SL 2022/153
r. 12.]
Form 10
Western Australia
I, (a)................................................... of
(b)......................................................... the owner (or
occupier) of (c)....................................... location
No.................... hereby apply for a permit to burn
(d).............................................../the refuse of
(d)................................................. to the extent specified
hereunder on the days specified hereunder —
Day Extent of Burning Proposed
20....... ...................................................................
20....... ...................................................................
20....... ...................................................................
days being within the prohibited burning times declared for the district or part
of the State within which the location is situated.
Note. — This application must be lodged with the chief
executive officer of the local government within whose district the proposed
burning is to take place, or the nearest authorised officer, within 7 days
before the day upon which it is intended to commence
Name of applicant in full. (b) Address. (c) Name of location.
(d) Description of declared plants.
[Form 10 inserted: Gazette 10 Mar 1978 p. 709‑10;
amended: Gazette 22 Dec 1998 p. 6855 and 6859; 31 Oct 2012
p. 5252.]
Form 11
Western Australia
Permit No...........................
I, (a)....................................................... of
(b)..................................................... the chief executive
officer of the......................................... or a duly authorised
officer within the meaning of the regulations made under and for the purposes of
the Bush Fires Act 1954, hereby grant authority to
(c)..................................... of
(d)................................... the owner (or occupier) of
(e)................................. location No......... to burn
(f)..................................... / the refuse of
(f)..................................... on the said location to the extent
specified hereunder on the days specified hereunder —
Day Extent of Burning Proposed
20....... ...................................................................
20....... ...................................................................
20....... ...................................................................
however to the provisions of that Act and those regulations and to the due
observance and performance of the requirements and directions endorsed on this
Given under my hand at................... this........... day
of....................., 20.........
executive officer of
or Authorised
Requirements and Directions
Name of chief executive officer or authorised officer in full and occupation.
(b) Address. (c) Name of permit holder. (d) Address. (e) Name of location.
(f) Description of declared plants.
[Form 11 inserted: Gazette 10 Mar 1978 p. 710; amended:
Gazette 22 Dec 1998 p. 6855 and 6859; 31 Oct 2012 p.
Form 12
Western Australia
Registration Date.............................
Shire/Town/City of.......................................
...................................................Bush Fire
Lieutenants 1. .....................................
2. .....................................
3. .....................................
4. .....................................
5. .....................................
executive officer.
[Form 12 inserted: Gazette 10 Mar 1978 p. 711; amended:
Gazette 22 Dec 1998 p. 6859.]
This is a compilation of the Bush Fires Regulations 1954 and
includes amendments made by other written laws. For provisions that have come
into operation, and for information about any reprints, see the compilation
Citation |
Published |
Commencement |
Bush Fires Act 1954
Regulations 3 |
14 Oct 1955 p. 2575‑97 |
14 Oct 1955 |
Untitled regulations |
21 Jan 1957 p. 88 |
21 Jan 1957 |
Reprint of the Bush Fires Act 1954
Regulations dated 29 Oct 1957 in Gazette
8 Nov 1957 p. 3323-48 (includes amendments listed
above) |
Untitled regulations |
24 Nov 1958 p. 3101‑2 |
24 Nov 1958 |
Untitled regulations |
25 Mar 1960 p. 865 |
25 Mar 1960 |
Untitled regulations |
15 Nov 1960 p. 3508 |
15 Nov 1960 |
Untitled regulations |
16 Oct 1963 p. 3075‑9 |
16 Oct 1963 |
Reprint of the Bush Fires Act 1954
Regulations dated 26 Feb 1964 in Gazette
3 Mar 1964 p. 965-91 (includes amendments listed
above) |
Untitled regulations |
27 May 1964 p. 2270 |
27 May 1964 |
Untitled regulations |
26 Feb 1965 p. 707‑8 |
26 Feb 1965 |
Untitled regulations |
27 Oct 1966 p. 2778‑87 |
27 Oct 1966 |
Untitled regulations |
4 Jun 1970 p. 1473‑4 |
4 Jun 1970 |
Untitled regulations |
12 Jul 1974 p. 2612‑14 |
12 Jul 1974 |
Untitled regulations |
10 Mar 1978 p. 705‑11 |
10 Mar 1978 |
Reprint of the Bush Fires Act 1954
Regulations dated 23 Aug 1978 in Gazette
11 Sep 1978 p. 3373-99 (includes amendments listed
above) |
Untitled regulations |
28 Dec 1979 p. 4047 |
28 Dec 1979 |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 1982 |
12 Nov 1982 p. 4463 |
12 Nov 1982 |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 1989 |
27 Oct 1989 p. 3897‑8 |
27 Oct 1989 |
Bush Fires (Fire and Emergency Services Authority)
Amendment Regulations 1998 Pt. 2 |
22 Dec 1998 p. 6854‑6 |
1 Jan 1999 (see r. 2 and Gazette
22 Dec 1998 p. 6833) |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 1998 |
22 Dec 1998 p. 6856‑9 |
22 Dec 1998 |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2000 |
18 Jul 2000 p. 3862‑3 |
18 Jul 2000 |
Bush Fires Amendment Regulations (No. 2)
2000 2 |
29 Dec 2000 p. 7904‑5 |
29 Dec 2000 |
Reprint of the Bush Fires Regulations 1954 as
at 9 Feb 2001 (includes amendments listed above) |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2003 |
10 Jan 2003 p. 32‑3 |
10 Jan 2003 |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2004 |
31 Dec 2004 p. 7140‑1 |
31 Dec 2004 |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2009 |
1 Dec 2009 p. 4831‑42 |
r. 1 and 2: 1 Dec 2009
(see r. 2(a)); |
Reprint 5: The Bush Fires Regulations 1954 as
at 19 Mar 2010 (includes amendments listed above) |
Standardisation of Formatting Act 2010
s. 53 assented to 28 Jun 2010 |
11 Sep 2010 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette
10 Sep 2010 p. 4341) |
Bush Fires Amendment Regulations (No. 2)
2010 |
10 Sep 2010 p. 4342-4 |
r. 1 and 2: 10 Sep 2010
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment Regulations (No. 3)
2010 |
5 Nov 2010 p. 5564‑6 |
r. 1 and 2: 5 Nov 2010
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2010 |
17 Dec 2010 p. 6351‑4 |
r. 1 and 2: 17 Dec 2010
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2011 |
2 Dec 2011 p. 5059-60 |
r. 1 and 2: 2 Dec 2011
(see r. 2(a)); |
Reprint 6: The Bush Fires Regulations 1954 as
at 6 Jul 2012 (includes amendments listed above) |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2012 |
31 Oct 2012 p. 5251‑2 |
r. 1 and 2: 31 Oct 2012
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2013 |
5 Feb 2013 p. 834‑5 |
r. 1 and 2: 5 Feb 2013
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2014 |
8 Jan 2015 p. 109 |
r. 1 and 2: 8 Jan 2015
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2019 |
5 Nov 2019 p. 3879‑98 |
r. 1 and 2: 5 Nov 2019
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Amendment
Regulations 2021 |
SL 2021/10 29 Jan 2021 |
r. 1 and 2: 29 Jan 2021
(see r. 2(a)); |
Bush Fires Regulations Amendment
Regulations 2022 Pt. 3 |
SL 2022/153 26 Aug 2022 |
1 Sep 2022 (see r. 2(b)) |
Bush Fires Amendment Regulations 2024
SL 2024/9 9 Feb 2024 |
r. 1 and 2: 9 Feb 2024 (see
r. 2(a)); |
Emergency Services Regulations Amendment (Workers
Compensation) Regulations 2024 Pt. 2 |
SL 2024/131 26 Jun 2024 |
1 Jul 2024 (see r. 2(b)) |
1 Formerly referred to the Workers’ Compensation and
Rehabilitation Act 1981 the short title of which was changed to the
Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 by the
Workers’ Compensation Reform Act 2004 s. 5. The reference
was changed under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(3)(gb).
2 The Bush Fires Amendment Regulations
(No. 2) 2000 deleted headings to r. 1-3, 15, 18, 23, 37, 37A,
38, 39, 39A, 39B, 39BA, 39D, 41, 43 and 44 that formed part of the written law.
The deletions are not noted in footnotes to the regulations. The headings to the
regulations in this compilation do not form part of the written law (see
Interpretation Act 1984 s. 32).
3 Now known as the Bush Fires Regulations 1954;
citation changed (see note under r. 1).
[This is a list of terms defined and
the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the
Defined term Provision(s)
approved fire
extinguisher 24AA
approved fire hose 24AA
approved pump 24AA
storage tank 24ZQ(1)
assistance operation 24DA(1)
authorised officer 16,
bee smoker device 39CA(1)
equipment 24AA
blasting 24AA
bush fire officer 45A(1), 45B(1)
Act 24AA
CALM Act land 24AA
catering activity 24AA
site 24AA
engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery 24AA
service 24AA
Executive Body 45(1)
fire danger forecast 24AA
detection officer 24J(1)
fire extinguisher 3
fire fighting
vehicle 24AA
gas flaring 24AA
grading equipment 24AA
work 24AA
incident 24DA(1)
notifiable authority 3
activity 24AA
off-road site 24AA
permit holder 15B(1)
period 39CA(1)
private road 24AA
public authority 24AA
grinding 24AA
rescue operation 24DA(1)
road 24AA
road site 24AA
work 24AA
search and rescue operation 24DA(1)
subject land 3
spark arrester 24AA
take control 45A(1), 45B(1)
unallocated Crown
land 45(1)
urgent works 24AA
work site 24AA
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© State of Western Australia 2024.
By Authority: GEOFF O. LAWN,
Government Printer