(1) At any time when a
managed fishery licence —
(a) has
been granted in respect of the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery
declared under the West Coast Rock Lobster Management Plan 1993 2 ;
authorises the use in that fishery of the same boat in respect of which a
fishing boat licence is in force; and
confers a current entitlement, or a usual entitlement, of less than
60 units,
the authority
conferred by the fishing boat licence referred to in paragraph (b) is of
no effect.
(2) In
subregulation (1) —
current entitlement means the entitlement
conferred by a managed fishery licence as —
increased by any entitlement transferred to the licence under section 141
of the Act; or
decreased by any entitlement transferred from the licence under
section 141 of the Act;
usual entitlement means the entitlement conferred
by a managed fishery licence without regard to any entitlement transferred to
or from the licence under section 141 of the Act.
[Regulation 118A inserted: Gazette
8 Sep 2000 p. 5187; amended: Gazette 14 Nov 2001
p. 5978‑9; 18 Nov 2011 p. 4810.]