Western Australian Current Regulations
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PART 1 -- Preliminary
1. Citation
2. Commencement
3. Terms used
4. Body prescribed (Act s. 4(1) peak industry body)
5. Classes of fish prescribed (Act s. 4(1) process)
6. Fee prescribed for exemption application (Act s. 7(4))
7. Exemption, power to require return of
PART 2 -- Administration
8. Common seal of Minister for Fisheries, use of etc.
PART 4 -- General regulation of fishing
Division 1 -- Protected fish
10. Classes of fish prescribed (Act s. 45)
11. Defences etc. prescribed (Act s. 48)
12. Certain protected rock lobsters and crabs to be released
13. Mutilated etc. protected fish, possession of
Division 2 -- Requirements regarding fish trunks and fillets
14. How certain types of finfish must be landed
15. Possession of sharks by commercial fishers
16. Possession of rays by commercial fishers
Division 3 -- Possession limits
Subdivision 1A -- Preliminary
16CA. Bag limits, application and effect of
Subdivision 1 -- Possession limits for finfish
16D. Finfish possession limits (Act s. 51(1))
16DA. Demersal finfish on boats
16DB. Fish on fishing boats (commercial)
Subdivision 2 -- Possession limits for other fish
16E. Fish on boats (Act s. 51(1))
16GA. Rock lobster (Act s. 51(1))
16GC. Marron (Act s. 51(1), (2))
16GD. Abalone (Act s. 51(1))
Subdivision 5 -- Miscellaneous
20. Defence prescribed (Act s. 51(2))
21. People presumed to be in possession of fish (Act s. 51)
Division 4 -- Labelling of fish
21A. Terms used
22. Labelling requirements for packed or stored finfish
22AA. Labelling requirements for higher quantity of finfish taken on extended fishing tour
Division 5 -- Requirements regarding rock lobsters
22A. Term used: gear identification float
22B. Persons taken to be using rock lobster pots
31. Rock lobster: permitted ways to fish for and tail marking
31A. Limits on type of bait for rock lobster
32. Requirements for rock lobster pot floats
35. Possession of rock lobster tails
35A. Sale of rock lobster parts
36. Boats used to fish for rock lobsters
37. Offences against r. 36, defences for
38. Rock lobster pots, requirements for
Division 5A -- Requirements regarding crabs
38A. Term used: deep sea crab
38B. Possession and sale of parts of deep sea crabs
38C. Parts of deep sea crabs not to be landed
38DA. Possession of parts of raw crab other than deep sea crab
Division 5B -- Requirements regarding abalone and sea urchins
38DB. Term used: fishing season
38D. When fishing for abalone and sea urchins allowed
38E. Diving for abalone using breathing apparatus prohibited in Abalone Zone
38EA. Possession of fishing gear in Abalone Zone outside fishing season
38EB. Possession of abalone
38F. Use of abalone material as bait
38GA. Possession of abalone material
Division 5C -- Requirements regarding marron
Subdivision 1 -- Interpretation
38G. Terms used
Subdivision 2 -- General restrictions on fishing for marron
38H. Marron, permitted ways to fish for
38I. Single marron pole snare only to be used in some waters
38J. Marron fishing prohibited in certain Margaret River waters
38K. Marron fishing prohibited from boats or by swimming or diving
38L. Marron nets not to be transported in boats in most cases
Subdivision 3 -- Closed season restrictions relating to marron
38M. Closed season for marron fishing
38N. Removing marron from private land in closed season
38O. Possession of marron during non‑possession period
Division 6 -- Requirements relating to the taking of certain fish
39. Prawns, permitted ways to fish for by recreational fishers
40. Freshwater prawns (cherabin): permitted ways to fish for
41. Abalone, who may shuck or possess when shucked
42. Molluscs (not abalone or oyster), shucking of
43. Trout, obstructing etc.
45. Closed season for recreational fishing for demersal scalefish in West Coast Region
Division 7A -- Requirements relating to automatic location communicators
55A. Terms used
55AA. ALCs, approval of; directions for use of etc.
55B. ALC, CEO may direct installation of etc. in fishing boat
55C. Master of fishing boat, duties of as to ALC
55D. Interfering etc. with ALC or approved seal
Division 7B -- Requirements relating to bait bands
55E. Terms used
55F. Bait bands on boats prohibited
55FA. Bait bands to be broken
Division 7C -- Requirements relating to aquatic eco‑tourism
55G. Activities and fish prohibited on aquatic eco‑tour
55H. Shark tourism activities prohibited on aquatic eco‑tour
55I. Boat not to be used for both commercial fishing and aquatic eco‑tour during single trip
Division 8 -- Miscellaneous requirements
56. Documents to be carried on licensed fishing boat
56A. Fish hooks attached to rock lobster pots, float lines, moorings etc. not to be used to fish
59. Sale of fish by authorised trade names
60. Rock lobsters, maximum size of packages etc. of
61. Labelling requirements for sale of fish
62. Refuse etc. not to be deposited in waters etc. where fish are
63A. Use of berley containing mammal or bird products
63. Fishing gear prohibited from use in waters, possession of
64. Commercial fishers etc., duties of as to records and returns
64AA. No fish taken for recreational purpose to be at certain premises
PART 4A -- Requirements regarding fishing gear
Division 1 -- Preliminary
64A. Order of precedence of Div. 2, 3 and
64B. Term used: attend
Division 2 -- Statewide requirements regarding fishing gear
64CA. Prohibited fishing methods
64C. Fishing lines in use for recreational fishing must be attended
64D. Nets, determining length, depth and mesh of
64DA. Hauling nets for recreational fishing, use of
64E. Limit on number of rods, reels, lines and baits used for recreational fishing
64F. Fishing nets, general requirements for
64G. Fishing nets, minimum distance between when set
64H. Fishing nets to be drawn so as to protect protected fish
64I. Net fishing by commercial fishers in same area, priority rights between
64J. Fishing nets for recreational fishing, use of
64K. Hauling nets not to be used for recreational fishing in estuaries etc.
64L. Crabs, permitted ways to fish for by recreational fishers
Division 3 -- Requirements regarding fishing gear in the West Coast Region
64M. Term used: attend
64N. Application of this Division
64NA. Prawn hand trawl nets not to be used in certain places
64O. Set fishing nets, use of
64OAA. Release weight to be on boat used to fish for demersal scalefish
Division 3A -- Requirements regarding fishing gear in the Pilbara and Kimberley Region
64OA. Application of this Division
64OB. Restrictions on use of haul and set nets
Division 3B -- Requirements regarding fishing gear in the South Coast Region
64OC. Application of this Division
64OD. Set fishing nets, use of
64OE. Use of throw nets
Division 4 -- Requirements regarding fishing gear in certain other areas
64P. Prawn hand trawl nets, use of in Swan River and Leschenault Estuary
64QA. Use of fishing nets in Gascoyne Region
64Q. Fishing nets, use of etc. by commercial fishers in certain areas
64S. Certain fishing gear not to be possessed near certain rivers and dams
64T. Landing nets, use of in certain rivers and dams
PART 4B -- Bag limits
Division 1 -- Preliminary
64W. Defences prescribed (Act s. 50(3))
64X. Bag limits, application of
Division 2 -- Bag limits
65A. Bag limits for demersal finfish (regions other than West Coast Region)
65B. Bag limits for demersal finfish (West Coast Region other than Abrolhos Island Fish Habitat Protection Area)
65BA. Bag limits for demersal finfish (Abrolhos Island Fish Habitat Protection Area)
65C. Bag limits for large pelagic finfish (regions other than Abrolhos Island Fish Habitat Protection Area)
65CA. Bag limits for large pelagic finfish (Abrolhos Island Fish Habitat Protection Area)
65D. Bag limits for nearshore or estuarine finfish
65E. Bag limit for freshwater finfish
65F. Bag limits for other finfish
65G. Bag limits for crustaceans
65H. Bag limits for molluscs and other invertebrates
PART 5 -- Fish processing
65. Classes of fish prescribed (Act s. 82(2)(a))
66. Fish processor’s licences, conditions of
PART 6 -- Aquaculture
67. Aquaculture leases, application for
68. Classes of fish etc. prescribed (Act s. 91(a) and (d))
69A. Classes of fish prescribed (Act s. 92A(4))
69. Aquaculture licences, conditions of
PART 7 -- Noxious fish
70. Species prescribed (Sch. 5 and Act s. 103)
PART 8 -- Designated fishing zones
71. Fisheries officer may restrict activities etc. in zones
PART 9 -- Abrolhos Islands reserve
Division 1 -- Interpretation and application of Part
72. Terms used
73. Application of this Part
Division 2 -- Jetties
74. Construction and modification of jetties and moorings
75. Unauthorised use of jetties and moorings
Division 3 -- Buildings and facilities
76. CEO may waive requirements of this Division
77. Camps associated with rock lobster licences, transfer of etc.
78. Camp not transferred etc. under r. 77 becomes unauthorised structure
79. Building standards, owners’ duties as to
80. Minor structural changes to buildings, requirements for
81. New buildings and major structural changes to buildings, requirements for
Division 4 -- Power and maintenance
84. Water tanks etc., occupiers’ duties as to
85. Generators, installation and use of
86. Machinery noise, fisheries officer’s powers as to
Division 5 -- Unauthorised structures and termination of tenancy
87. Terms used
88. Unauthorised structures, CEO may direct removal of
89. Service of r. 88 notice
90. Non-compliance with r. 88 notice
91. Site of unauthorised structure to be cleared completely
Division 6 -- Share arrangements and dispute procedure
92. Share arrangement to be subject of written agreement
93. Disputes over use of shared buildings etc., resolution procedure for
94. Independent arbitrators, duties of
95. Arbitrator’s determination to be decided by Minister
Division 7 -- Disposal of waste
96. Waste disposal to be in accordance with this Division
97. Food waste
98. Paper, plastic, cardboard, bait bags etc.
99. Non‑hazardous and non‑combustible waste
100. Oil, fuel, engine filters and batteries
101. Campsite waste
102. Sewage
103. Incinerators, construction and use of
Division 8 -- Miscellaneous
104. Noise to be kept below certain levels
105. Vehicles not to be used without CEO’s approval
106. Domestic pets prohibited on reserve and boats at jetties
107. Flora and fauna not to be introduced without approval
108. Noxious etc. plants, pests etc., control of to be by approved methods
109. Behaviour standards for people; power to direct person to leave
110. Chlorine tarping of boats, restrictions on
112. Weapons prohibited
113. Open fires prohibited
PART 9A -- Fish Habitat Protection Areas
Division 1A -- Abrolhos Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area
113AA. Notice of travel to Abrolhos Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area
113AB. Notice of stay in Abrolhos Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area
Division 1 -- Cottesloe Reef Fish Habitat Protection Area
113A. Prohibited activities
Division 2 -- Lancelin Island Lagoon Fish Habitat Protection Area
113B. Prohibited activities
Division 3 -- Kalbarri Blue Holes Fish Habitat Protection Area
113C. Prohibited activities
Division 4 -- Point Quobba Fish Habitat Protection Area
113D. Terms used
113E. Prohibited activities
PART 10 -- Register
114. Hours, place and fees prescribed (Act s. 124)
115. Details prescribed (Act s. 126(e))
116. Details of security interest prescribed (Act s. 128(2)(c))
PART 11 -- Authorisations
Division 1 -- Commercial fishing
117. Fishing boats, duties of masters etc. as to licences, LFB numbers etc.
118. Fishing boat licences, grant of
118A. Fishing boat licence of no effect in some circumstances
119. Carrier boats, duties of masters etc. as to licences, LCB numbers etc.
120. Carrier boat licences, grant of
121. Commercial fishing licence, when required
122. Commercial fishing licences, grant of
123A. Commercial fishing licence receipt may have effect as commercial fishing licence
Division 2 -- Recreational fishing
Subdivision 1 -- Recreational fishing licence
123. Recreational fishing licence, when required
124. Recreational fishing licences, grant of
124A. Recreational fishing licence receipt may have effect as a recreational fishing licence
Subdivision 2 -- Recreational (boat) fishing licence
124B. Recreational (boat) fishing licence, when required
124C. Recreational (boat) fishing licences, grant of
124D. Recreational (boat) fishing licence receipt may have effect as a recreational (boat) fishing licence
Division 5 -- Fishing tour operators
128IA. Term used: boat
128I. Requirements for person conducting fishing tour using boat
128J. Fishing tour operator’s licence, grant of
128K. Master of licensed fishing boat to notify Department of fishing tour
128L. Documents to be carried on boat etc. connected with fishing tour
128MA. Boats used in connection with fishing tour
128M. Operators etc. to ensure participants in fishing tour comply with recreational fishing laws
128OA. Shark tourism activities prohibited on fishing tour
128O. Sale of fish taken on fishing tour prohibited
128P. Boat not to be used for both commercial fishing and fishing tour during single trip
128R. Person in charge of restricted fishing tour not to permit rod on boat
128S. Restricted fishing tours, limits on fishing etc. by participants etc.
128T. Landing demersal finfish prohibited
128U. CEO must determine method and allocate quota tags for purposes of r. 128T
Division 6A -- Replacement of cancelled authorisations
129A. Terms used
129B. CEO may grant certain replacement authorisations
Division 6 -- General
129. Lost etc. authorisations, replacement of
130. Conditions of licences, imposition of etc.
131. Grounds for refusal of transfer of authorisations etc. prescribed (Act s. 140(2)(b))
132. Short term use of boat instead of lost etc. licensed fishing boat etc., authorisation of
133. Duration of licences
134. Renewal of licences
135. Application fees
136. Recreational fishing licence fee halved for pensioners etc.
137. Fees for grant or renewal of authorisation
138. Transfer of part of entitlement not permitted in some cases
139. Change of name or address, duty to notify CEO
PART 12 -- Fish trafficking
140. Priority fish
141. Commercial quantity
PART 13A -- Control of disease in pearl oysters
144A. Terms used
144B. Transport of pearl oysters into State
144C. Spat samples to be taken, preserved etc.
144D. Transport of pearl oysters restricted
144E. Sampling for disease testing
144F. Certificates of health for pearl oysters
144G. Approval for transport of pearl oysters
144H. Consequences if certificate of health not issued
144I. Pathologist to notify inspector as to certificate of health
144J. CEO to notify approval to transport
144K. Consequences of more than one batch of spat at quarantine site
144L. Removal of spat from quarantine site
PART 13B -- Control of disease in abalone
144M. Restriction on moving live abalone into State
PART 13 -- Miscellaneous offences
144. Certain activities in bays etc. and as to use of traps prohibited
145. Explosives or noxious substances, carriage of on boats
146. Explosive or noxious substance used to take fish, presumptions as to possession of
147A. Arranging for transport by courier business of fish taken recreationally
147B. Installation of fish aggregating device without approval of CEO
PART 14 -- Fisheries officers
147. Warrant form prescribed (Act s. 187)
148. Ways of disposing of fish prescribed (Act s. 194)
149. Accounts prescribed (Act s. 194)
150. Applying for compensation (Act s. 197(3))
PART 15 -- Legal proceedings
151. Method for determining size etc. of fish prescribed (Act s. 214)
152. Australian datum prescribed (Act s. 216)
153. Way of giving notice prescribed (Act s. 219(1))
154. Things forfeited to Crown, disposal of
155. Accounts prescribed (Act s. 221(2))
156. Provisions of regulations prescribed (Act s. 222(1))
157. Values prescribed (Act s. 222(4)(a), (b))
158. Offences prescribed (Act s. 224(1)(a))
159. Offences prescribed (Act s. 228(1))
160. Infringement notice form prescribed (Act s. 229(1))
161. Withdrawal of infringement notice form prescribed (Act s. 231(1))
162. Modified penalties prescribed (Act s. 229(2))
PART 16 -- Financial provisions
163. Times prescribed for special purpose audits (Act s. 240)
PART 17 -- Miscellaneous
Division 1 -- Guidelines
164. Ways of publishing guidelines prescribed (Act s. 246 and 247)
165. Form of notice to attend inquiry etc. (Act s. 249(3))
Division 2 -- Exclusive licences
166. Applications for exclusive licences
167. Effect of exclusive licences
168. Form of exclusive licences
169. Renewal after expiry of exclusive licences (Act s. 139)
170. Some draft exclusive licences to go before Parliament
171. Conditions of exclusive licences
172. Who can fish in areas the subject of exclusive licences
Division 3 -- Prohibition of activities that pollute waters
173. Notice prohibiting activities, form of (Act s. 255(1))
174. Notice of variation or revocation, form of (Act s. 255(2)(c))
Division 4 -- General
176. Non‑endemic fish, approval to import into WA etc.
177. Disease control at fish processing or aquaculture places
178. Fish for scientific purposes, authority to fish for
179. Fish for genetic etc. analysis, approval to take etc.
180. Categories of fish (Sch. 4)
181A. Certain things are not personal property for purposes of Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cwlth)
181. Fees and charges, reduction and waiver of
PART 18 -- Savings and transitional provisions
182. Limited entry fisheries under repealed Act (Act s. 74)
183. Citation of notices
186. Certain notices under repealed Act continued as orders (Act s. 43)
SCHEDULE 1 -- Fees
SCHEDULE 2 -- Protected fish
SCHEDULE 3 -- Bag limits
SCHEDULE 4 -- Categories of fish
SCHEDULE 5 -- Noxious fish
SCHEDULE 7 -- List of common and scientific names
SCHEDULE 9 -- Determining the value of fish
SCHEDULE 10 -- Non‑endemic species of fish permitted to be brought into the State
SCHEDULE 13 -- Specifications for rock lobster pots
SCHEDULE 15 -- Tour management zones
SCHEDULE 16 -- Abalone zones
SCHEDULE 17 -- Fish diseases
SCHEDULE 18 -- Diseases of pearl oysters
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