(1) A sample of pearl
oysters that is to be submitted to an approved fish pathologist for disease
testing is to be —
(a) a
random sample of as many pearl oysters as an approved fish pathologist
reasonably requires for testing; and
treated and preserved in the manner directed by an approved fish pathologist.
(2) A person shall not
submit a sample of hatchery produced spat for disease testing unless the
sample was taken —
(a) at
least 40 days after the completion of settlement of that batch; and
(b) when
the majority of the spat in the batch are 2 mm or more in length.
(3) An inspector may
supervise the taking of samples under this regulation.
(4) A person shall not
tamper with a sample taken under this regulation.
Penalty: a fine of $5 000.
(5) A person
submitting a sample for disease testing shall also provide to the approved
fish pathologist —
(a) a
copy of the relevant Notice of Settlement of Spat or Notice of Pearling or
Hatchery Activity lodged under the Pearling (General) Regulations 1991 ;
either —
particulars in writing of any unexplained mortality, or
clinical disease, of pearl oysters; or
a declaration, in the form of Form 8, that no such
mortality has occurred and no signs of clinical disease have been seen,
at the hatchery,
quarantine site or other place where the pearl oysters are being held, during
the previous 12 months.
(6) An approved fish
pathologist may require a person submitting a sample for disease testing to
produce for inspection logbooks and other records kept by the holder of the
relevant hatchery licence or hatchery permit; and
provide any other information relating to the health standards of the
hatchery, quarantine site, or place where the pearl oysters are being held,
that the pathologist considers relevant; and
provide such further samples of pearl oysters as are required for further
(7) A person
submitting a sample for disease testing must comply with a requirement under
subregulation (6).
Penalty: a fine of $5 000.
[Regulation 144E inserted: Gazette 24 Sep
2013 p. 4442-4.]