(1) In this
regulation —
Central West Zone means the waters off the west
coast bounded by a line commencing at the high water mark at
30° 51.06′ south latitude (south of Wedge Island) and
extending —
west along the parallel to the intersection with
115° 10.32′ east longitude; then
north‑north‑westerly along the geodesic to the point
30° 30.54′ south latitude and 115° 0.06′ east
longitude; then northerly along the geodesic to the point
30° 25.02′ south latitude and 114° 58.5′ east
longitude; then northerly along the geodesic to the point
30° 12.42′ south latitude and 114° 57′ east
longitude; then northerly along the geodesic to the point
30° 4.2′ south latitude and 114° 54.42′ east
longitude; then northerly along the geodesic to the point
29° 54.96′ south latitude and 114° 53.52′ east
longitude; then north‑north‑westerly along the geodesic to the
point 29° 47.82′ south latitude and 114° 50.64′
east longitude; then north‑easterly along the geodesic to the point
29° 44.28′ south latitude and 114° 52.2′ east
longitude; then northerly along the geodesic to the point
29° 35.16′ south latitude and 114° 53.58′ east
longitude; then east along the parallel to its intersection with the high
water mark (north of Freshwater Point); then generally southerly along the
high water mark to the commencement point;
Easter Group Zone means the waters of the Easter
Group bounded by a line commencing at the point 28° 38.128′
south latitude and 113° 38.951′ east longitude and
extending — generally easterly along the geodesic to the point
28° 36.66′ south latitude and 113° 54.402′
east longitude; then generally southerly along the geodesic to the point
28° 44.415′ south latitude and 113° 53.496′
east longitude; then south‑westerly along the geodesic to the point
28° 48.924′ south latitude and 113° 45.5′ east
longitude; then generally westerly along the geodesic to the point
28° 48.71′ south latitude and 113° 43.602′
east longitude; then generally north‑westerly along the geodesic to the
commencement point;
internal SLED means a sea lion exclusion device
consisting of a rod inside a rock lobster pot secured to the base of the pot
and rising vertically towards the neck;
Pelsaert Group Zone means the waters of the
Pelsaert Group bounded by a line commencing at the point
28° 51.579′ south latitude and 113° 47.171′
east longitude and extending —
north‑westerly along the
geodesic to the point 28° 50.308′ south latitude and
113° 49.270′ east longitude; then westerly along the geodesic
to the point 28° 50.158′ south latitude and
114° 2.323′ east longitude; then south along the geodesic to
the point 28° 53.456′ south latitude and
114° 2.133′ east longitude; then south‑westerly along
the geodesic to the point 28° 59.577′ south latitude and
113° 58.218′ east longitude; then westerly along the geodesic
to the point 28° 59.506′ south latitude and
113° 55.205′ east longitude; then north‑westerly along
the geodesic to the point 28° 56.93′ south latitude and
113° 51.251′ east longitude; then generally
north‑westerly along the geodesic to the commencement point;
Sea Lion Protection Zone means the Central West
Zone, Easter Group Zone or Pelsaert Group Zone.
(2) A person must not
use a rock lobster pot to fish for rock lobster unless the pot conforms to the
specifications set out in Schedule 13.
Penalty for this subregulation: a fine of
$5 000.
(3) A person must not
use a rock lobster pot to fish for rock lobster in the Sea Lion Protection
Zone unless the pot is constructed with, or has fitted to it, a device
(a sea lion exclusion device ) that —
prevents a spherical object with a diameter of 132 mm being able to enter the
pot through the neck; and
complies with subregulation (4).
Penalty for this subregulation: a fine of
$5 000.
(4) A sea lion
exclusion device complies with this subregulation if —
(a) it
is made of non‑flexible material; and
(b) it
is —
constructed; and
secured to the pot,
in such a way that it
is unlikely that it could be bent, broken, pushed aside or removed by a sea
lion; and
(c) it
does not have any sharp points, spikes or sharp edges; and
(d) in
the case of an internal SLED, at every point along the device (but not
including any bracket or other thing used to secure the rod to the base of the
pot) —
the shortest cross‑sectional measurement is not
less than 10 mm; and
the longest cross‑sectional measurement is not more
than 30 mm.
[Regulation 38 amended: Gazette
31 Oct 2003 p. 4562; 10 Nov 2006
p. 4707‑8; 4 Sep 2007 p. 4519; 1 Mar 2011
p. 673‑5; 4 Oct 2016 p. 4237.]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 21 Dec 1999
p. 6407; amended: Gazette 7 Aug 2015 p. 3201.]