[Pt. 4B]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3555.]
Division 1 — Bag limits — demersal
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3555.]
Subdivision 1 — Regions other than West Coast Region
[r. 65A]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3555; amended: SL 2023/2 r. 21.]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Grouped bag limit of all species of demersal finfish for one day |
Boarfish |
3 |
5 (excluding Redfish, Bight (Red Snapper, Nannygai), Redfish, Yelloweye and
Swallowtail in South Coast region) |
Cod, Barramundi |
3 | |
Coral Trout |
1 | |
Coronation Trout |
1 | |
Dhufish, West Australian |
2 | |
Dory, John and Mirror |
3 | |
Emperor and Seabream, all species except Grass Emperor
3 | |
Emperor, Grass |
5 | |
Foxfish |
3 | |
Groper, Baldchin and Tuskfish |
3 | |
Groper, Western Blue |
1 | |
Hapuku, Bass Groper and Trevalla(s), Blue‑Eye
3 | |
Pearl Perch |
3 | |
Rockcod, all species except Chinaman Rockcod, Coral Trout and Coronation |
3 | |
Snapper (Pink Snapper), except in the waters of the Shark Bay western gulf or
the waters of the Shark Bay eastern gulf |
3 | |
Snapper (Pink Snapper), in the waters of the Shark Bay western gulf or the
waters of the Shark Bay eastern gulf |
2 | |
Snapper, Queen |
3 | |
Tropical Snapper, all species except Golden Snapper (Fingermark), Mangrove
Jack and Stripey Snapper |
3 | |
Redfish, Bight (Red Snapper, Nannygai), Redfish, Yelloweye and Swallowtail in
South Coast region |
8 | |
[Subdivision 1 inserted: Gazette
4 Oct 2019 p. 3555‑6; amended: SL 2023/2 r. 22;
SL 2024/263 r. 21(1).]
Subdivision 2 — West Coast Region other than Abrolhos
Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area
[r. 65B]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3556; amended: SL 2023/2 r. 23.]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Grouped bag limit of all species of demersal finfish for one day |
Boarfish |
2 |
2 |
Coral Trout and Coronation Trout |
1 | |
Dhufish, West Australian |
2 | |
Dory, John and Mirror |
2 | |
Emperor and Seabream |
2 | |
Foxfish |
2 | |
Groper, Baldchin and Tuskfish |
2 | |
Groper, Western Blue |
1 | |
Hapuku, Bass Groper, Eightbar Grouper and Trevalla(s), Blue‑Eye
| |
Redfish, Bight (Red Snapper, Nannygai) and Swallowtail
2 | |
Rockcod, all species except Coral Trout and Coronation Trout
| |
Snapper (Pink Snapper) |
2 | |
Snapper, Queen |
2 | |
Tropical Snapper, all species except Golden Snapper (Fingermark), Mangrove
Jack and Stripey Snapper |
[Subdivision 2 inserted: Gazette
4 Oct 2019 p. 3556‑7; amended: SL 2023/2 r. 24;
SL 2024/263 r. 21(2).]
Subdivision 3 — Abrolhos Island Fish Habitat Protection
[r. 65BA]
[Heading inserted: SL 2023/2 r. 25.]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Grouped bag limit of all species of demersal finfish for one day |
Boarfish |
1 |
1 |
Coral Trout and Coronation Trout |
1 | |
Dhufish, West Australian |
1 | |
Dory, John and Mirror |
1 | |
Emperor and Seabream |
1 | |
Foxfish, Western and Pigfish |
1 | |
Groper, Baldchin and Tuskfish |
1 | |
Groper, Western Blue |
1 | |
Hapuku, Bass Groper, Eightbar Grouper and Trevalla(s), Blue‑Eye
1 | |
Redfish, Bight (Red Snapper, Nannygai) and Swallowtail
1 | |
Rockcod, all species except Coral Trout and Coronation Trout
1 | |
Snapper (Pink Snapper) |
1 | |
Snapper, Queen |
1 | |
Tropical Snapper, all species except Golden Snapper (Fingermark), Mangrove
Jack and Stripey Snapper |
1 |
[Subdivision 3 inserted: SL 2023/2
r. 25.]
Division 2 — Bag limits — large pelagic
[r. 65C]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3557.]
Subdivision 1 — Regions other than Abrolhos Island Fish
Habitat Protection Area
[Heading inserted: SL 2023/2 r. 26.]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Grouped bag limit of all species of large pelagic finfish for one day |
Amberjack, Samsonfish and Yellowtail Kingfish |
3 |
Barracouta |
3 | |
Barracuda |
3 | |
Billfish (Marlin, Sailfish) and Swordfish |
1 | |
Cobia |
3 | |
Dolphinfish (Mahi Mahi) |
3 | |
Mackerel (Grey, School, Shark, Spanish, Spotted) and Wahoo
| |
Sharks and Rays |
3 | |
Trevally, Giant and Golden |
3 | |
Tuna (Bigeye, Longtail, Mackerel, Skipjack, Southern Bluefin, Yellowfin and
Dogtooth) |
[Subdivision 1 (formerly Division 2)
inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019 p. 3557‑8; amended:
SL 2024/263 r. 21(3).]
Subdivision 2 — Abrolhos Island Fish Habitat Protection
[r. 65CA]
[Heading inserted: SL 2024/263
r. 21(4).]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Grouped bag limit of all species of large pelagic finfish for one day |
Amberjack, Samsonfish and Yellowtail Kingfish |
3 |
3 |
Barracouta |
3 | |
Barracuda |
3 | |
Billfish (Marlin, Sailfish) and Swordfish |
1 | |
Cobia |
3 | |
Dolphinfish (Mahi Mahi) |
3 | |
Mackerel (Grey, School, Shark, Spanish, Spotted) and Wahoo
3 | |
Sharks and Rays |
3 | |
Trevally, Giant and Golden |
3 | |
Tuna (Bigeye, Longtail, Mackerel, Skipjack, Southern Bluefin, Yellowfin and
3 |
[Subdivision 2 inserted: SL 2024/263
r. 21(4).]
Division 3 — Bag limits — nearshore or
estuarine finfish
[r. 65D]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3558.]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Grouped bag limit of all species of nearshore or estuarine f infish for one
day |
Albacore |
8 |
16 |
Barracuda, Striped |
8 | |
Barramundi |
2 | |
Bonitos, all species |
8 | |
Bream, Black, Northwest Black, Western Yellowfin and Tarwhine
| |
Catfish and Estuary Cobbler |
8 | |
Dart |
8 | |
Flathead |
8 | |
Flounder |
8 | |
Javelinfish and Sweetlips |
8 | |
Jewfish, Black |
2 | |
Leatherjacket |
8 | |
Mangrove Jack |
2 | |
Mulloway |
2 | |
Parrotfish |
8 | |
Pike, Longfin |
8 | |
Rockcod, Chinaman (Charlie Court) |
4 | |
Salmon, Western Australian (Salmon) |
4 | |
Snapper, Golden (Fingermark) and |
| |
Snook |
8 | |
Sweep, Sea |
4 | |
Tailor |
8 (only 2 of which may be over 500 mm in length) | |
Threadfin, all species except King |
4 | |
Threadfin, King |
2 | |
Trevally and Queenfish, all species except Giant and Golden Trevally,
Needleskin Queenfish, and Yellowtail Scad |
| |
Tripletail |
2 | |
Whiting, King George |
12 | |
Wrasse |
8 |
[Division 3 inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3558-60.]
Division 4 — Bag limits — freshwater
[r. 65E]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3561.]
Fish |
Grouped bag limit of all species of freshwater finfish for one day |
Catfish |
4 |
Perch, Striped | |
Trout, Brown and Rainbow |
[Division 4 inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3561.]
Division 5 — Bag limits — other finfish
[r. 65F]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3561.]
Fish |
Species bag limit for one day |
Herring, Australian (Herring) |
20 |
[Division 5 inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3561; amended: SL 2022/160 r. 4.]
Division 6 — Bag limits — crustaceans
[r. 65G]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3561.]
Species |
Bag limit for one day |
Crab, Blue Swimmer (Blue Manna) |
5 (in Cockburn Sound or the Swan and Canning Rivers) |
Crab, Mud, all species |
5 |
Koonac |
N/A |
Marron |
5 (in marron trophy water) |
Prawn |
9 litres |
Prawn, Freshwater (Cherabin) |
9 litres |
Redclaw Crayfish |
N/A |
Rock Lobster, all species |
8 (including no more than 4 Tropical Rock Lobsters) |
Yabbie |
N/A |
Other crustacean species not specified above |
10 |
[Division 6 inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3561-2; amended: Gazette 29 Nov 2019 p. 4105;
SL 2023/2 r. 28; SL 2024/234 r. 7; amended:
SL 2024/263 r. 21(5).]
Division 7 — Bag limits — molluscs and
other invertebrates
[r. 65H]
[Heading inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3562.]
Species |
Bag limit for one day |
Abalone, Greenlip and Brownlip |
5 |
Abalone, Roe’s |
20 (including no more than 15 taken from Abalone Zone 1) |
Ark Shell, Cockle, Pipis and Clam, Venus |
2 litres |
Bloodworm |
1 litre |
Clam, Giant (other than Tridacna gigas) |
2 |
Mussel |
9 litres (shell on) |
Oyster |
20 |
Razor shell |
20 |
Scallop |
20 |
Sea Urchin |
20 |
Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopus |
15 |
Zoila Cowry, Bailer Shell and Conch |
10 |
Other molluscs and invertebrate species not specified
[Division 7 inserted: Gazette 4 Oct 2019
p. 3562.]