(1A) In this
regulation —
AS/NZS 1576 Parts 1 to 6 means the
following —
AS/NZS 1576.1:2019 (General requirements);
AS 1576.2:2016 (Couplers and accessories);
(c) AS
1576.3:2015 (Prefabricated and tube‑and‑coupler scaffolding);
AS/NZS 1576.4:2013 (Suspended scaffolding);
AS/NZS 1576.5:1995 (Prefabricated splitheads and trestles);
(f) AS
1576.6:2020 (Scaffolding Metal tube‑and‑coupler
scaffolding — Deemed to conform to AS/NZS 1576.1).
(1) This regulation
applies in relation to —
(a) a
suspended scaffold; and
(b) a
cantilevered scaffold; and
(c) a
spur scaffold; and
(d) a
hung scaffold; and
(e) any
other scaffold from which a person or thing could fall more than 4 metres.
(2) The person with
management or control of a scaffold at a workplace must ensure that the
scaffold is not used unless the person receives written confirmation from a
competent person, who has inspected the scaffold, that construction of the
scaffold has been completed.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(3) The person with
management or control of a scaffold at a workplace must ensure that the
scaffold and its supporting structure are inspected by a competent
person —
before use of the scaffold is resumed after an incident occurs that may
reasonably be expected to affect the stability of the scaffold; and
before use of the scaffold is resumed after repairs; and
(c) at
least every 30 days.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(4) If an inspection
indicates that a scaffold at a workplace or its supporting structure creates a
risk to health or safety, the person with management or control of the
scaffold must ensure that —
(a) any
necessary repairs, alterations and additions are made or carried out; and
(b) the
scaffold and its supporting structure are inspected again by a competent
person before use of the scaffold is resumed.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(5) The person with
management or control of a scaffold at a workplace must ensure that
unauthorised access to the scaffold is prevented while the scaffold is
incomplete or unattended.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
Examples for this subregulation:
Danger tags and other
warning signs.
(6) A person who
erects or dismantles a scaffold at a workplace must ensure that the erection
or dismantling, as the case may be, is done in accordance with the relevant
requirements of AS/NZS 1576 Parts 1 to 6.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(7) A person who
designs, manufactures, imports or supplies scaffolding equipment for use at a
workplace must ensure that it complies with the relevant requirements of
AS/NZS 1576 Parts 1 to 6.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(8) In
subregulation (7) —
scaffolding equipment means any component,
assembly or machine used or intended to be used in the construction of a
[Regulation 225 amended: SL 2023/134
r. 6.]