(1) This Part applies
to —
(a) the
use, handling and storage of hazardous chemicals at a workplace and the
generation of hazardous substances at a workplace; and
(b) a
pipeline used to convey a hazardous chemical.
(2) [not used]
(3) This Part does not
apply to hazardous chemicals and explosives being transported by road, rail,
sea or air if the transport is regulated under another written law.
(4) This Part does not
apply to the following hazardous chemicals in the circumstances
described —
hazardous chemicals in batteries when incorporated in plant;
fuel, oils or coolants in a container fitted to a vehicle, vessel, aircraft,
mobile plant, appliance or other device, if the fuel, oil or coolant is
intended for use in the operation of the device;
(c) fuel
in the fuel container of a domestic or portable fuel burning appliance, if the
quantity of fuel does not exceed 25 kilograms or 25 litres;
hazardous chemicals in portable firefighting or medical equipment for use in a
hazardous chemicals that form part of the integrated refrigeration system of
refrigerated freight containers;
potable liquids that are consumer products at retail premises.
(5) This Part, other
than the following regulations and Schedule 7, does not apply to
substances, mixtures or articles categorised only as explosives under the
regulation 329;
regulation 330;
regulation 339;
regulation 344;
regulation 345.
Note for this subregulation:
Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 may have application to matters covered
by this Part.
(6) This Part does not
apply to the following —
(a) food
and beverages within the meaning of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Food Standards Code that are in a package and form intended for human
tobacco or products made of tobacco;
therapeutic goods within the meaning of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
(Commonwealth) at the point of intentional intake by or administration to
veterinary chemical products within the meaning of the Agvet Code at the point
of intentional administration to animals.
Notes for this Division:
1. A manufacturer or
importer of hazardous chemicals may also be a person conducting a business or
undertaking at a workplace.
2. A manufacturer or
importer is defined in section 23 or 24 of the Act as a person conducting
a business or undertaking of manufacturing or importing.