(1) If the information
given to the regulator in a written notice under this Part in relation to work
changes (other than because the work is no longer being carried out), a person
conducting a business or undertaking carrying out, or directing or allowing a
worker to carry out, the work must, within the period ending 30 days
after the day the change occurs, give the regulator a written
notice —
stating the information has changed; and
describing the change to the information.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $4 200;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $21 000.
(2) If the regulator
receives a notice under subregulation (1), the regulator must give the
person conducting the business or undertaking an acknowledgment of receipt of
the notice.
[Regulation 529H inserted: SL 2024/139
r. 6.]