In deciding whether or
not to grant an exemption under regulation 684 the regulator must have
regard to all relevant matters, including the following —
whether the granting of the exemption will result in a standard of health and
safety at the relevant workplace, or in relation to the relevant undertaking,
that is at least equivalent to the standard that would be achieved by
compliance with the relevant provision or provisions;
whether the requirements of paragraph (a) will be met if the regulator
imposes certain conditions in granting the exemption and those conditions are
complied with;
whether exceptional circumstances justify the grant of the exemption;
(d) if
the proposed exemption relates to a particular thing — whether the
regulator is satisfied that the risk associated with the thing is not
significant if the exemption is granted;
whether the applicant has carried out consultation in relation to the proposed
exemption in accordance with Part 5 Divisions 1 and 2 of the Act.