This legislation has been repealed.
(1) For each quarter,
for each pipeline that during any of the quarter is specified in
Schedule 1 and is a covered pipeline, a charge is payable in connection
with the performance of the functions of the Authority under the Gas Pipelines
Access (Western Australia) Act 1998 Part 6.
(2) The charge under
subregulation (1) for a pipeline is to be calculated using the
formula —
where —
C is the amount of the
core function costs for the quarter;
P is the percentage
specified in Schedule 1 for the pipeline.
(3) If the pipeline is
not specified in Schedule 1 during the whole of the quarter or is not a
covered pipeline during the whole of the quarter, the charge for that quarter
is reduced according to the number of days during which the pipeline is
specified in Schedule 1 and is a covered pipeline.
(4) The pipeline
operator is liable to pay the charge under subregulation (1) and, if
there is a change of pipeline operator during the quarter for which the charge
is payable, the liability for the charge is to be apportioned between the
pipeline operators according to the number of days in the quarter for which
each of them is the pipeline operator while the pipeline is specified in
Schedule 1 and is a covered pipeline.
[Regulation 4 amended in Gazette
30 Jun 2006 p. 2364.]