This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A driver who is
about to make a left turn from a carriageway —
(a) at
an intersection; or
(b) to
enter land abutting that carriageway,
shall so drive his
vehicle that, when it reaches the intersection or other point at which the
turn is to be made, it is —
(c) to
the left of any vehicle that is abreast of his own and travelling in the same
direction; and
(d) as
near as practicable to the left hand edge or boundary of the carriageway.
(2) Notwithstanding
the provisions of subregulation (1) of this regulation, a driver who, on
a laned carriageway, is immediately to the right of a vehicle that is in a
lane set aside exclusively for left-turning vehicles may turn his vehicle to
the left, at an intersection, if that movement can be made with safety.
[Regulation 801 amended in Gazette
15 August 1975 p.2966.]