Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation

Key Speeches & Media Releases

Further Speeches and Media Releases can be found in the Council Library.


Jackie Huggins - 11 November 2000
Reconciliation : the unfinished business- Fremantle

Evelyn Scott - 6 November 2000
Reconciliation in Australia: Making Peace with Indigenous Australians - Canberra

Evelyn Scott - 3 November 2000
Reconciliation : A Culture of Peace-Making - Perth

Evelyn Scott - 26 October 2000
Launch of Why Warriors Lie Down and Die - Sydney

Evelyn Scott - 24 October 2000
Beyond Corroboree: Our Vision for Reconciliation - Roma

Evelyn Scott - 12 October 2000
Opening Address to official launch of Across: Indigenous Art and Culture - Canberra

Evelyn Scott - 9 October 2000
Vital Issues That Concern Reconciliation - Ipswich

Evelyn Scott - 8 October 2000
The People's Role in Reconciliation - Broadbeach

Evelyn Scott - 7 October 2000
The Importance of Reconciliation for Multiculturalism - Logan

Jackie Huggins - 5 October 2000
An Evening with Jackie Huggins - Gymea

Marjorie Thorpe - 5 October 2000
The Role of the Welfare Sector in Advancing the Position of Aboriginal People
in the Broader Australian Community

Kerry Blackman - 4 October 2000
Reconciliation and Native Title

Marjorie Thorpe - 1 October 2000

Evelyn Scott - 21 September 2000
The Future of Local Reconciliation

Evelyn Scott - 15 September 2000
Doing your best in life - Ingham

Evelyn Scott - 15 September 2000
Reconciliation and Young People - Ingham

Marjorie Thorpe - 11 September 2000
Reconciliation and Participatory Research in Australia - Ballarat

Evelyn Scott - 30 August 2000
Valuing Cultural Heritage - Brisbane

Alma Stackhouse - 30 August 2000
Creating a Responsible World in the 21st Century - Melbourne

The Rt Hon. Malcolm Fraser - 24 August 2000
Vincent Lingiari Lecture - Darwin

Evelyn Scott - 22 August 2000
From Ignorance to Understanding - Brisbane

Evelyn Scott - 24 August 2000
Why Warriors Book Launch - Darwin

Evelyn Scott - June 17 2000
Almost Annual Friends of Tranby Dinner - Sydney

Evelyn Scott - June 17 2000
Reconciliation and Racism Conference - SA

Evelyn Scott - June 9 2000
Women for Reconciliation Dinner

Evelyn Scott - May 30 2000
City of Salisbury Reconciliation Forum SA

Evelyn Scott - May 23 2000
Young Labor Reconciliation Forum - Sydney

Evelyn Scott - May 18 2000
Reconciliation Award to Kormilda Stars - Darwin

Evelyn Scott - May 03 2000
Courage to Care Exhibition, Tare

Sir Gustav Nossal - April 26 2000
Address to the National Press Club

Evelyn Scott - April 04 2000
At the "Stars - Making a Difference Conference", Melbourne

Evelyn Scott - March 25 2000
At the Why Reconciliation Conference, Adelaide

Evelyn Scott - March 24 2000
At the Why Reconciliation Conference, Adelaide

Evelyn Scott - March 18 2000

At the Queensland teachers "Discovering Democracy" conference, Cairns

Evelyn Scott - March 15 2000
At the Indigenous children's services unit conference, Townsville

Evelyn Scott - March 8 2000
At an International Women's Day Luncheon, Adelaide SA

Evelyn Scott - December 4 1999
At the Walk for Reconciliation, Mt Druitt, NSW

Evelyn Scott - November 29 1999
At a Reconciliation Seminar, University of Adelaide

Evelyn Scott - November 23 1999
Where to From Here? National Bringing Them Home Conference, Gold Coast

Media Releases

3 November 2000
Council welcomes COAG agreement on reconciliation
and calls for actions
to back up the words

18 October 2000
Dr Charles Perkins - a brother in our struggle

3 October 2000
Minister's comments regrettable but Reconciliation Olympics are the main game

22 September 2000
Reconciliation in Australia

16 August 2000
National Indigenous Heritage Art Award puts reconciliation into practice

1 June 2000
The long walk to reconciliation can't jump stages

22 May 2000
Chairperson welcomes proposal for reconciliation square

19 May 2000
Council confident of large turnout

17 May 2000
Council announces program and speakers for Corroboree 2000

12 May 2000
There's only one reconciliation document - the Council's

3 May 2000
Corroboree 2000 is about taking real steps towards reconciliation,
not just "words on a piece of paper"

30 April 2000
Council finalises reconciliation documents for Corroboree 2000

16 April 2000
Council stays on track for Corroboree 2000

3 April 2000
Council Chair and Deputy "Deeply Regret" Minister's Dismissal of Stolen Generation

29 March 2000
Chair supports new Indigenous literacy and numeracy strategy

12 March 2000
Council calls for reconciliation outcomes by the end of 2000

03 March 2000
Council's first Mardi Gras

28 February 2000
Reconciliation to continue beyond 2000

17 February 20000
Planners put reconciliation in action

30 November 1999
Dick Smith calls for a better Australia Day

11 November 1999
Tasmania unveils first Aboriginal Memorial Plaque

07 November 1999
Chairperson says preamble defeat underlines need for reconciliation document

21 October 1999
Ron Castan: A true champion of reconciliation

16 September 1999
Chair corrects media reports

29 August 1999
Council Calls for Action and Constitutional Change to Follow Historic Resolutionn

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