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Matching Law Journal Articles: 68

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Directive 2006/32/Ec on Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services: Realising the Transition to Sustainable Energy Markets?" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 414 Anatole Boute and Anne De Geeter Germany circa 2006 flag
"Taking Advantage of Flexibility in Implementing Eu Environmental Law" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 395 Andrew Farmer, Patrick ten Brink and Marianne Kettunen Germany circa 2006 flag
"Italy" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 172 Anna Porporato Germany circa 2006 flag
"Belgium" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 462 Bernard Vanheusden Germany circa 2006 flag
"Belgium" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 361 Bernard Vanheusden Germany circa 2006 flag
"Belgium" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 276 Bernard Vanheusden Germany circa 2006 flag
"Germany" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 468 Christiane Trüe Germany circa 2006 flag
"Germany" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 365 Christiane Trüe Germany circa 2006 flag
"Germany" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 280 Christiane Trüe Germany circa 2006 flag
"Germany" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 166 Christiane Trüe Germany circa 2006 flag
"Convergence or Divergence of National Legal and Administrative Structures? Europeanisation Effects of the Environmental Impact Assessment in Germany and England (Part 2)" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 132 Christoph Knill and Daniela Winkler Germany circa 2006 flag
"Convergence or Divergence of National Legal and Administrative Structures? Europeanisation Effects of the Environmental Impact Assessment in Germany and England (Part 1)" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 43 Christoph Knill and Daniela Winkler Germany circa 2006 flag
"Bans on the Use of Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmos) – the Case of Upper Austria" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 22 Christoph Palme Germany circa 2006 flag
"Overview of the Development of Eu Soil Policy: towards a Eu Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 184 Claudia Olazabal Germany circa 2006 flag
"Sweden" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 80 David Langlet Germany circa 2006 flag
"Sweden" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 176 David Langlet Germany circa 2006 flag
"Superfund and Brownfields: Evolution of Federal Cleanup Law in the Us" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 258 Douglas C MacCourt Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Role of Compliance in the Rule of Law, Good Governance and Sustainable Development" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 376 Durwood Zaelke and Thomas Higdon Germany circa 2006 flag
"A Qualitative Evaluation of Current Transposition and Implementation Practice of the Sea Directive in Eu Member States" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 535 Efthyrnis Zagorianakos Germany circa 2006 flag
"France" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 76 Frédéric Bourgoin Germany circa 2006 flag
"Soil Protection in French Environmental Law" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 204 Frédéric Bourgoin Germany circa 2006 flag
"France" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 467 Frédéric Bourgoin Germany circa 2006 flag
"France" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 362 Frédéric Bourgoin Germany circa 2006 flag
"Adaptation of Industrial Plants to Best Available Technology" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 308 Gabriella Gerzsenyi Germany circa 2006 flag
"Exemptions from Statutory Water Management Objectives: Requirements, Spheres of Responsibility, Unresolved Implementation Issues" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 117 Harald Ginzky Germany circa 2006 flag
"United Kingdom" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 82 Ian Havercroft Germany circa 2006 flag
"Milestones of Soil Protection in Eu Environmental Law" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 190 Irene L Heuser Germany circa 2006 flag
"Tackling Aviation Emissions: the Challenges ahead" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 316 Jane Barton Germany circa 2006 flag
"Protected Species in Conflict with Fisheries: The Interplay between European and National Regulation" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 432 Jukka Similä, Randi Thum, Riku Varjopuro and Irene Ring Germany circa 2006 flag
"France" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 162 Juliette Deslandres Germany circa 2006 flag
"Estonia" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 75 Kärt Vaarmari Germany circa 2006 flag
"Estonia" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 464 Kärt Vaarrnari Germany circa 2006 flag
"Estonia" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 160 Kart Vaarmari Germany circa 2006 flag
"Commission Compliance Promotion and Enforcement in the Field of the Environment" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 385 Liam Cashman Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Netherlands" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 472 Liselotte Smorenburg-Van Middelkoop and Marlon Boeve Germany circa 2006 flag
"Case Note" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 155 Ludwig Krämer Germany circa 2006 flag
"Case Note" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 157 Ludwig Krämer Germany circa 2006 flag
"Case Note" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 153 Ludwig Krämer Germany circa 2006 flag
"German Soil Protection Law" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 250 Malte Kohls Germany circa 2006 flag
"Revising the Eu Air Quality Legislation: Experiences and Proposed Improvements" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 292 Marco Gasparinetti and Dick van den Hout Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Netherlands" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 285 Marion Boeve and Jos Janssen Germany circa 2006 flag
"Reach – an Update" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 446 Mark Blainey and Bjorn Hansen Germany circa 2006 flag
"Trade and Environment: Looking beneath the Sands of Doha?" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 107 Mark Halle Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Transfer Rule in the German Emissions Trading System" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 142 Markus Ehrmann and Dominik Greinacher Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Netherlands" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 175 Marlon Boeve and Jos Janssen Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Netherlands" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 369 Marlon Boeve and Jos Janssen Germany circa 2006 flag
"Switzerland" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 177 Nathalie Schneider Germany circa 2006 flag
"Switzerland" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 286 Nathalie Schneider Germany circa 2006 flag
"Switzerland" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 81 Nathalie Schneider Germany circa 2006 flag
"Soil Protection Law in Ireland" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 213 Owen McIntyre Germany circa 2006 flag
"Italy" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 284 Paola Lombardi Germany circa 2006 flag
"Directive 2001/18/Ec on the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Gmos: an Overview and the Main Provisions for Placing on the Market" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 3 Paula Rey García Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Impact of Changes in Planning Legislation on Investment Processes in Poland – Selected Issues" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 28 Pawel Czechowski and Piotr Wieczorkiewicz Germany circa 2006 flag
"Road Planning in Europe – a Case Study (Part l)" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 519 Rüdiger Rubel und Eva L Silbermann Germany circa 2006 flag
"Satellites: A New Era for Environmental Compliance?" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 406 Ray Purdy Germany circa 2006 flag
"Exceedance of Limit Values for Fine Dust Particles: Violation of Community Law before the German Courts" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 300 Remo Klinger Germany circa 2006 flag
"Soil Protection Law and Reclaiming Soil Decontamination Costs in the Netherlands" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 240 Rik Mellenbergh Germany circa 2006 flag
"World Trade Law and Renewable Energy: the Case of Non-tariff Measures" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 500 Robert Howse and Reil Germany circa 2006 flag
"Finland" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 465 Robert Utter Germany circa 2006 flag
"Emergency and Protection of the Environment in the 'Risk Society'" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 101 Rosario Ferrara Germany circa 2006 flag
"Italy" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 78 Silvia Grassi Germany circa 2006 flag
"A Slow Train Coming? Soil Protection Law and Policy in the Uk" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 227 Stuart Bell Germany circa 2006 flag
"The New Instruments to Achieve Sustainable Territorial Development in the Eu" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 340 Teresa Parejo Navajas Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources as a Public Service Obligation" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 486 Tim Maxian Rusche Germany circa 2006 flag
"A Strong Case for Transparency: Public Interest in Disclosure of Risk Data Prevails over Business Secrets" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 13 Ulrich Wollenteit, Michéle John and Jochen Gebauer Germany circa 2006 flag
"The Sustainability Strategy of the European Union" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 325 Ursula Prall Germany circa 2006 flag
"Standing to Sue of Environmental Groups in Italy and in the United States of America" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 52 Viviana Molaschi Germany circa 2006 flag
"Renewable Energy Sources in European Law: an Overview" (2006) 3 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 478 Volker Oschmann Germany circa 2006 flag

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