Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Fuelbanc Australia Ltd
[2007] FCA 960; (2007) 162 FCR 174; (2007) 25 ACLC 1230; (2007) 64 ACSR 17
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
29 Jun 2007
Uluhoru v Isabel Timber Co Ltd
[1999] SBHC 140
High Court of Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
18 Oct 1999
Alexander Echt and Iris Teresa Echt v Ryde City Council
[1998] NSWLEC 194
Land and Environment Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
21 Aug 1998
Malayan Breweries Ltd v Lion Corporation Ltd HC Auckland CL45/88
[1988] NZHC 1603
High Court of New Zealand
New Zealand
6 May 1988
In the Matter of The Mexican and South American Co Grisewood and Smith's Case De Pass's Case
[1859] EngR 854; 4 De G & J 544; 45 ER 211
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1859
Yeates v Roberts
[1855] EngR 286; 61 ER 868; (1855) 3 Drew 170
United Kingdom
circa 1855
Evans v Coventry
[1854] EngR 1034; 43 ER 1125; 3 Eq Rep 545; 2 Sim 369
United Kingdom
circa 1854