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In re S Govind Swaminathan   flag 

[1943] AllINRprMad 394; [1943] AIR Mad 714
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
5th May, 1943

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
United Provinces v Atiqa Begum [1940] FCR 110 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1940 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 39
United Provinces v Atiqa Begum AIR 1941 FC 16 India circa 1941 flag 12
Air 1941 FC 16 AIR 1941 FC 16 India circa 1941 flag 12
Air 1936 PC 49 AIR 1936 PC 49 Privy Council India circa 1936 flag 3
(1884) 8 Bom 264 (1884) 8 Bom 264 India - Maharashtra circa 1884 flag 2
8 Bom 2646 8 Bom 2646 India - Maharashtra circa 1941 flag 1
12 Lah 280 12 Lah 280 Pakistan circa 1941 flag 5
[1936] PC 49 [1936] PC 49 United Kingdom circa 1936 flag 6
160 IC 105 160 IC 105 United Kingdom circa 1941 flag 3
192 IC 138 192 IC 138 United Kingdom circa 1941 flag 5
131 IC 415 131 IC 415; 12 LT 101 United Kingdom circa 1941 flag 4
33 Sec 1 33 SEC 1 United States circa 1941 flag 11

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