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Bessel v C J Clyde D K   flag 

[1958] USCA3 425
United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
United States
24th October, 1958

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1942) 317 US 705 (1942) 317 US 705 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1942 Westlaw flag 2
(1950) 180 f2d 502 (1950) 180 F2d 502 United States circa 1950 Westlaw flag 10
Bessel v C J Clyde D K 260 F2d 240 United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit United States 7 Oct 1958 WorldLII flag 2
Cohen v Leone, DCEDPa (1955) 18 FRD 494 United States circa 1955 flag 2
Coleman v Brucker, DCCir (1958) 257 F2d 661 United States circa 1958 Westlaw flag 3
Eng Kam v McGrath, DCWDWash 1950 10 FRD 135 United States circa 1950 flag 2
Federal Landlords Committee, Inc v Woods, DC , SDNY 9 FRD 622 United States flag 7
Green v United States 238 F2d 400; [1956] Idaho 256 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 7 Dec 1956 WorldLII flag 13
Hancock v P Mitchell 231 F2d 652 United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit United States 6 Apr 1956 WorldLII flag 9
Henry L Crowley Co v Reconstruction Finance Corporation , DCDNJ 1953 14 FRD 460 United States circa 1953 flag 2
Howard v United States ex rel Alexander (1942) 126 F2d 667 United States circa 1942 Westlaw flag 5
McGee v International Life Ins Co 355 US 220; 2 L Ed 223; 2 L Ed 2d 223; 78 SCt 199 United States Supreme Court United States 16 Dec 1957 WorldLII flag 389
Oster v Dominion of Canada 144 FSupp 746 United States circa 1953 Westlaw flag 10
63 SCt 25; 87 l Ed 563 63 SCt 25; 87 L Ed 563 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1953 Westlaw flag 2
316 US 699 316 US 699; 86 L Ed 1768; 62 SCt 1297 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1953 Westlaw flag 7

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