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Jannenga v Nationwide Life Insurance Co   flag 

[1960] USCADC 585
United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit
United States
9th December, 1960

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
(1960) 288 f2d 169 (1960) 288 F2d 169 United States circa 1960 Westlaw flag
Parkway Baking Co v Freihofer Baking Co Parkway Baking Co 255 F2d 641; 117 USPQ 426 United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit United States 21 May 1958 WorldLII flag
Smith v J Pasqualetto 246 F2d 765 United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit United States 1 Jul 1957 WorldLII flag
Boland v Love 95 USApp DC 337; 222 F2d 27 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit United States circa 1955 WorldLII flag
Kaitlin v Metropolitan Life Ins Co , DC MunApp 1949 65 A2d 188 United States circa 1949 flag
Silberstein v Massachusetts Mut Life Ins Co 55 A2d 334; (1947) 189 Md 182 United States - Maryland circa 1947 flag
Pecheur Lozenge Co v National Candy Co 315 US 666; 86 L Ed 1103; 62 SCt 853 United States Supreme Court United States 30 Mar 1942 WorldLII flag
Helm v Sun Life Ins Co (1922) 141 Md 326 United States - Maryland circa 1922 flag
(1920) 265 f 594 (1920) 265 F 594 circa 1920
Mutual Life Ins Co of New York v Hilton-Green 241 US 613; 60 L Ed 1202; 36 SCt 676 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Jun 1916 WorldLII flag
Lamar v Micou 114 US 218; 29 L Ed 94; 5 SCt 857 United States Supreme Court United States 30 Mar 1885 WorldLII flag
Jeffries v Life Insurance Co 89 US 47; 22 Wall 47; 22 L Ed 833 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Oct 1874 WorldLII flag
319 US 745 319 US 745; 87 L Ed 1701; 63 SCt 1033 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1916 Westlaw flag
222 f2d 27 222 F2d 27 United States circa 1916 Westlaw flag
155 ALR 253 155 ALR 253 Australia circa 1916 LexisNexis AU flag
United States v Certain Parcels of Land 144 F2d 626 United States Westlaw flag
Prudential Ins Co of America v Saxe 134 F2d 16; 77 USApp DC 144 United States Westlaw flag
Prudential Ins Co of America v Carlson 126 F2d 607 United States Westlaw flag
Kaplan v Manhattan Life Ins Co 109 F2d 463; 71 App DC 250 United States Westlaw flag
Kavakos v Equitable Life Assur Soc'y 88 F2d 762; (1936) 66 App DC 380 United States Westlaw flag
Accord, Silverman v New York Life Ins Co 79 F2d 154; (1935) 65 App DC 29 United States Westlaw flag
"On the Displacement of the Law of the Forum" 58 Columbia Law Review 964 Columbia Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag
Moore v Pywell 29 App DC 312; 9 LRANS 1078 United States - District of Columbia flag
27 ALR 957 27 ALR 957 Australia LexisNexis AU flag

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