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Horne v Horne   flag 

[1963] ALR 288; (1962) 3 FLR 381; (1963) 63 SR (NSW) 121; 80 WN (NSW) 169; [1963] NSWR 499
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Zha & Wun [2021] FamCA 143 Family Court of Australia Australia 19 Mar 2021 AustLII flag
Teo & Guan [2015] FamCAFC 94; (2015) 296 FLR 172; [2015] FLC 93-653; (2015) 53 Fam LR 248 Family Court of Australia Australia 21 May 2015 AustLII flag
Wallmann, In Marriage of [1981] FamCA 95; [1982] FLC 91-204; 60 FLR 453; 7 Fam LR 945; (1981) 7 Fam LR 943 Family Court of Australia Australia 23 Dec 1981 AustLII flag
Harris, In Marriage of; Banaco Pty Ltd, Re [No 2] [1981] FamCA 83; [1981] FLC 91-100; 7 Fam LR 515 Family Court of Australia Australia 9 Nov 1981 AustLII flag
Smith and Saywell [1980] FamCA 45; (1980) 47 FLR 267; [1980] FLC 90-856; (1980) 6 Fam LR 245 Family Court of Australia Australia 25 Jul 1980 AustLII flag
In Marriage of Mullane [1980] FamCA 30; [1980] FLC 90-826; 43 FLR 201; (1980) 5 Fam LR 801 Family Court of Australia Australia 16 May 1980 AustLII flag
Craven, In Marriage of [1980] FamCA 6; [1980] FLC 90-802; 5 Fam LR 641 Family Court of Australia Australia 20 Feb 1980 AustLII flag
Paxton, In Marriage of; Robert Paxton Pty Ltd (Intervening) [1977] FamCA 75; 45 FLR 298; 6 Fam LR 417 Family Court of Australia Australia 21 Sep 1977 AustLII flag
Kalenjuk, J and Kalenjuk, S [1977] FamCA 20; 28 FLR 210 Family Court of Australia Australia 5 Apr 1977 AustLII flag
Parsfield and Parsfield [1976] FamCA 111; (1976) 27 FLR 216 Family Court of Australia Australia 24 Dec 1976 AustLII flag
McCarney, BJ and McCarney, S [1976] FamCA 63; [1976] FLC 90-105 Family Court of Australia Australia 27 Sep 1976 AustLII flag
Zappacosta & Zappacosta [1976] FamCA 56; [1976] FLC 90-089 Family Court of Australia Australia 30 Aug 1976 AustLII flag
McDougall and McDougall [1976] FamCA 46; [1976] FLC 90-076 Family Court of Australia Australia 2 Aug 1976 AustLII flag
Kemp v Pearce [1972] VicRp 94; [1972] VR 805; [1972-73] ALR 608; (1972) 21 FLR 315 Australia - Victoria 18 May 1972 AustLII flag
Denniston v Denniston [1970] VicRp 70; [1970] VR 535; [1970] ALR 707; (1970) 15 FLR 430 Australia - Victoria 7 Apr 1970 AustLII flag
Casella v Casella [1969] VicRp 8; [1969] VR 49; [1969] ALR 103; (1968) 14 FLR 36 Australia - Victoria 10 May 1968 AustLII flag
Leach v Leach [1965] VicRp 77; [1965] VR 599; [1966] ALR 86; (1965) 7 FLR 195 Australia - Victoria 29 Apr 1965 AustLII flag
Macintosh v Macintosh [1964] VicRp 95; [1964] VR 738; (1963) 7 FLR 42 Australia - Victoria 25 Jun 1963 AustLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
"Broken Marriage and the Courts, The" (1970-1971) 7 University of Queensland Law Journal 23 Finlay, H A Australia circa 1971 AustLII flag
"Emerging Australian Law of Matrimonial Property, The" (1969-1970) 7 Melbourne University Law Review 353 Sackville, Ronald Australia circa 1970 AustLII flag
"Recent Cases" (1968-1969) 6 University of Queensland Law Journal 134 University of Queensland Law Journal Australia circa 1969 AustLII flag
"Jurisdiction under the Family Law Act to Make Orders Affecting Property in the Absence of Proceedings for Principal Relief" (1975-1977) 5 University of Tasmania Law Review 248 Wade, John Australia - Tasmania circa 1977 AustLII flag

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